A date with destiny

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It is now my first day. Kuoh academy is a strange place but it is also kinda interesting filled with perverts and interesting plants you never see in Gotham. I am now walking to the school and while I was walking I looked at my schedule it went like this




Science/Social Studies


It also said what class I'm in class 1B I was stoked to be meeting new people and quite possibly a new friend time surely will tell

Timeskip to  Y/n watering the seed before he left

It took me an hour for me to find the class, good thing I got here at 7:00 because class starts at 8:00. When I found the class I knocked on the door and someone, most likely the teacher opened it before he said anything I showed him the paper that I was going to have to give him before entering he silently read the paper and shook his head. He closed the door and was speaking to his class I presume and then I heard that I may enter and that's what I did I entered the classroom and it went dead silent. I introduced myself "hello new classmates I am Y/n, I like plants, flowers and Music and I will try my best to get along with everyone" the classroom was still silent but every one was smiling then the said I can sit next to Hyudo. Apparently the 'Hyudo' he was referring to was the same brown haired pervert I snickered and sat next to him. A few minutes went by to the teacher just asking us questions other than that class went by pretty smoothly next was reading but I didn't really like the class all we were doing was sitting down reading chapter books till the end of class. A bell rung signaling everyone that it was time for lunch, I went to the roof  and brought a water bottle with me. The reason I brought a water bottle with me is because I am a plant to make a plant healthy what do you need sun, water, and soil except if the plant was walking. I made my to the roof and saw a girl with a ponytail and nice curves laying down. She looks like she is fast asleep I don't mind it and walk past her and look over the railing while drinking water "I never imagined tokyo this big before It is beautiful so is the view I wish Gotham was like this." after I finished my sentence I heard the school bell and finished my last bit of water when I finished I turned around and was met with Violet eyes it scared me I almost jumped the railing but I stayed calm. "H-hi" she did not say anything just looked at my eyes I didn't know what to do so I sat there for a few minutes when she finally spoke "I will see you later." with that said and done I was processing what had happened and realized that I was late for class but when I took a step I heard it the school bell ringing nonstop signaling the end of school  I sighed heavily, this is my first day and I already missed a class. Well at least I get to go home but I wonder "who was that girl well it doesn't matter now I have to get home" i make my way out of the school and to a bridge, I look up to see Issie talking to a girl I couldn't here from this distance but luckily for me there is a a plant nearby, now the plant is my ear. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I can listen in the plants so I can eaves drop it looks like Issie is being asked out " A-are you I-issie hyudo" she asked  "yes I am" "w-well i was wondering if you would like to go on a d-date with me" she asked then bowed this was surprising me more than isse there is no way someone would ask him of all people you were wondering what his answer will be and of course it was a yes from him then she ran off and yelled there time and place. I removed the plant from my ear and smirked while looking at the sunset "looks like you have a date with destiny isse my friend" I said this while I was walking away.

Plant progress 48%

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