Gotham never changes

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A/n: Happy mothers day 

"Ah man Mom is going to kill me" Y/n was currently running around his room packing the essential needs for his trip back home. It was currently a holiday meaning school was out for the day but didn't know it was mother day hence him running around the room in a panick. 

He was originally supposed to be ready before 7:30 but it was currently 7:27 meaning he had 3 minutes to get ready. He then suddenly heard a jet engine roaring outside his house he quickly looked at the time and started to panick again.

"Daddy there's a jet outside why is that" Lily said peaking into my room to see me panicking I looked back and tried to gain my composure and told her "Don't worry about it" and quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out then I quickly looked at Lily and contemplated if I should bring her. "Ah what the heck" I looked at lily, who was standing at the front door of the house, "Lily come on" she looked shocked at first and then grew a big smile and ran toward me I picked her up and ran into the jet.

"Whew made it  in time, I think" I then looked at my watch and saw I was 10 minutes late that's when I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a long time. "If you were 11 minutes late we were going to have to leave you and then you would feel the wrath of your mother sir".

I looked to my right and saw Alfred with a platter with some lavender tea. "It's going to be a long trip to gotham" he then looked at Lily who was looking out of the window and admiring the view. "And who might be Ms." Lily then looked up and gave a smile to Alfred "Lily" Alfred then smiled and then looked back at me and said his farewells and left to go to the cockpit while also leaving the platter of the lavender tea.

I smiled and looked out of the window of the plane and sighed contently "It's going to be a long trip". A couple of hours have passed since we left Kuoh and Lily was seen using Y/n's lap as a pillow and was snoring softly. Y/n then heard the cockpit door open and looked and saw Alfred "We're going to be landing soon" you smiled "Thank you Alfred" he nodded and took all of the empty glasses that were previously holding the lavender tea which lily drunk all of.

You were now above Gotham looking down at the city and sighed you shook Lily awake and she stirred " We're here she then looked at me with half lidded eyes and got up after a couple of minutes we landed behind Wayne Manor. After landing I stepped out of the jet to breathe that good gotham air and It smelled like how it always does...a sewer.

You looked back and saw Lily running towards you, you picked her up and put her on your back you smiled and proceeded to walk inside the mansion you looked around "Seems like nothing has changed" You then hear your mother call from behind you. You then turn around and see your mother Poison Ivy and next to her you see Nightwing."Hello Mother" you said hugging Ivy while she hugged you tighter she eventually let go  "I thought you were supposed to be in bludhaven why are you here" you asked pointing to him "I'm in charge of the manner until bruce is back from vacation" you looked at him confused until he told you that he's on vacation for 2 to 3 weeks or so you nodded your head.

Lily then walked into the room and stared at Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy gasped and ran towards Lily picking her up and smooshing her face into Lilly's "And who is this little bud" Poison Ivy asked while still smooshing her face into Lilly's "Oh yeah this is your new grandaughter" she then stopped panicking and put Lilly down and looked at me.

"Y/n your too young to have a child, who is the mother" you shook violently "I-it's n-not like that".

Suddenly there was a sudden ring resonating through the room you looked toward Nightwing "Guys we may have a problem"

You walked towards him and saw that a current bank was being robbed and you could've only known one person who could've done it


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