Chapter 31

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I my hands on the inside of my vest to avoid punching this bitch in the face. Elizabeth left the room and went to the hallway that led towards the exit. I was breathing deeply to try and control my anger. Eliza tried putting an arm around me, but I grabbed it and flipped her chair backwards. I realized who it was and caught her before she could hit the floor. I pulled her in close and wrapped my arms around her.

Spectre: I'm sorry.

Eliza: It's ok, Spectre.

My anger had turned to sadness and I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes.

Spectre: AIM, enable full concealment.

AIM: Full concealment activated.

I let the tears flow under my mask and Eliza knew that so she held me close.

Spectre: I love you, Eliza.

Eliza: I love you too, Spectre.

Spectre: I'll always be at your side.

Eliza: Me too, Spectre.

I stopped crying and looked up at Matt.

Spectre: I'm sorry you had to experience this, Mr. Cohen.

Matt: It's ok, I fully understand.

Spectre: Thank you.

Eliza: Dad, how are you liking it here?

Matt: Actually not bad. It would be better without Elizabeth.

Spectre: You could say that about 20 more times.

Eliza: I'm sorry about her, Spectre.

Spectre: It's not your fault. Matt, how the fuck do you live with her?

Matt: I honestly don't know.

Eliza's phone started to ring and she answered it.

Eliza: Yeah?

Six: Did your parents leave early?

Eliza: I don't know where my mom is, but my dad is with me currently.

Six: Ok, your mom boarded the plane and is now on her way back to Jerusalem.

Eliza: Ok, is that all?

Six: Yes.

Eliza hung up and I spoke up.

Spectre: Thank fuck.

Matt: How am I going to get back tomorrow?

Eliza: You'll just board the plane by yourself. The pilots get paid way too much to give a fuck.

Matt: I like it when you cuss.

Eliza: Me too

Spectre: Me too.

Eliza punched my shoulder and I chuckled a bit.

Eliza: Ok, you did get me to start cussing more, but who gives a fuck?

Spectre: Your mom gives a fuck.

Eliza: I don't care.

Matt: Me neither.

Spectre: Matt, I wish you could stay here.

Eliza: Me too.

Matt: I want to stay here.

Eliza: Spectre, we need to talk.

Spectre: Yeah?

Eliza: I love you.

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