Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sun blinding me through the window. I noticed Taina was still asleep so I walked around as quietly as possible as if I didn't already. I got changed and went to the cafeteria but on the way there a blonde woman who was wearing a Navy Seals shirt stopped me to introduce herself "I'm Meghan Castellano aka Valkyrie." she told me. In that moment I realized that I had found my sister, she wasn't dead after all. "Meghan? Do you remember me? I'm your brother." I said while tearing up.

Valkyrie POV

"I'm your brother. I'm your brother. I'm your brother." Those words kept echoing in my head as I pulled my brother in for a hug. "I thought you were dead." Y/N said. "I thought you were too, big brother." I said and started crying.

3rd Person POV

Taina started walking to the cafeteria and saw Ghost hugging Valkyrie. Caveira was instantly saddened until she heard Ghost say "I thought you were dead." followed by Meghan saying "I thought you were too, big brother." Taina didn't want to ruin the moment for them so just waited behind them until Meghan looked up and saw her "Hey, Taina." Ghost said "So you two are siblings?" Taina asked. "Yes we are, separated for 29 years." Meghan said while still teared up. "I'll leave you two to reunite." Taina said and headed off for the cafeteria.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N and Meghan eating breakfast.


We were just finishing up dinner when the intercom buzzed "I need the operators: Ghost, Dokkaebi, Ela, Bandit, and Nokk to the briefing room immediately. Get geared up." Six sounded worrisome. "Well, you got your first mission, good luck brother." Meghan had agreed to call you brother to hide your identity.

You arrived at the briefing room first and took a seat to wait for the other operators. They all soon arrived and Six started the briefing. "We have a hostage situation in the mountains of Canada. The White Masks have taken over a mansion  and are holding the family of 4 hostage. We also have reports that there is a bomb in the building aswell. Go to the armory and get your weapons. Jager is waiting for you on the roof, you leave in 10  minutes. As you were getting your weapons from the armory, a Korean woman approaches you "I'm Grace Nam or Dokkaebi on the field." she says. "Nice to meet you Dokkaebi." you respond to her. "You too, Ghost." she says." After getting geared up you started to head to the roof but got stopped by Taina "Don't die on me, Ghost. I have something for you when you get back." You started thinking of how to respond "I'll be careful, Taina." She pulls you into a hug and you hug back "I have something for you when I get back aswell, Taina."You hugged for what felt like an eternity "Hey Ghost, we gotta get going." Jager yelled from the helicopter. "You hugged Taina tighter and then broke away "I have to go, Taina. I'll see you when we get back." You told Taina while she started to tear up. "Hey, I'll be ok, Taina." You said while trying to calm her. "I just don't want to lose you, Ghost." Taina said while almost crying. "Hey, I'll be alright, I promise." you reassured her. "Ok Ghost, be careful." Taina said a little more calm this time. "I will be, Taina."You said while starting to walk to the helicopter. "You two a thing yet?" Jager asked from the pilot's seat. "Not yet, keyword yet." you responded to him. Everyone in the helicopter went  "ooooohhh" except for Ash. You couldn't tell if it was out of respect or jealousy but you went and sat by her "Thank you." you said to Ash. She looked at you with confusion on her face. "For, trying to get me to come back to base with your squad. I love Team Rainbow and for once in my life I feel safe when I'm at Hereford Base." you explained to Ash. "Thank you for saving Taina, Ghost. You bring out a side of her that none of us have ever seen. She enjoys your company, Ghost. I hope you see that." Ash tells you with sincerity in her voice. "Taina brings out a side of me that hasn't been out since I was 14." you respond to Ash. "I'm gonna get sleep, Ghost." Ash told you before leaning back and drifting off. You went back over to sit alone and you started thinking about what Ash had told you. 'Does she like me?' 'What does she have to give me when we get back?' You soon drifted off to sleep.

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