Chapter 2

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You wake up in what looked to be a cell and as you tried to move you couldn't so you looked left and right only to see that you were tied up in the style of your interrogations. "Great, so this is how I die." You say out loud not expecting anyone to hear. "Oh no, you aren't dying here." you heard a familiar voice as Caveira walked into your sight. "Where am I?" you asked her. "Team Rainbow's base." Caveira responded as she left the room.

Caveira POV

"Six, Ghost's awake." I said as I entered Six's office. "Go see what he knows about the Masks." Six responded. "Yes ma'am." I responded.


"I see you are using my own interrogation style." you said as Caveira entered. "It has some flaws." you say as you break through the zipties holding you onto the boards. Caveira got a look of fear in her eyes. "Hey, hey, hey I'm not going to hurt you or any of your teammates. I assume you're supposed to ask me what I know about the White Masks, am I correct?" Caveira just nodded. "I'll cooperate as long as you don't restrain me again. If anyone tries to restrain me again the floor is going to be painted red." You say as Caveira's fear gets worse. You walk over to her and realized how short she actually is. Caveira looks up at you with fear on her face. You kneel down to get your heads at the same level. "Hey, no need to be scared. I don't want to hurt anyone." You say as she pulls you into a hug. At first you were caught off guard but soon wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close. "Thank you for saving me." Caveira said. The memories of having a family rushed back to you and you froze unable to move as you had to watch the flashback of the day your family was killed right in front of you. "Hey Ghost, you ok?" Caveira asked you as you had started shaking at this point. "Yeah. yeah, I'm fine." You lied. "You didn't seem ok, but I won't pester you." Caveira said. "I'm assuming someone tried to take my mask off." you said. "Yeah, but it said access denied." Caveira responded kind of confused. "Yeah, my mask only allows certain people to take it off. I'm the only one right now." you told her. Just as Caveira was about to respond the intercom came on. "Can Caveira escort Ghost to my office please?" Six said. "Well, where do we go?" You asked. "Follow me" Caveira responded. As you were walking to Six's office you heard some of the operators talking about you. "Yeah, Caveira got super mad when we knocked him out." Ash said to a blonde German woman. "Sounds like she might like him or something." The German responded to Ash. As you were about to ask Caveira about it you arrived to Six's office. You knocked on the door "Come in" Six said. "Hello, Ghost. I've seen your work, it's impressing to say the least." Six said as you walked in and took a seat across from her. "I would like to offer you a position at Team Rainbow." Six said. "As long as I don't have to tell anyone my real name and I can keep my mask on. And also my dog can come here." You responded.  "Fill out these papers." Six said. Once you finished you handed the papers back to Six. "Welcome to Team Rainbow, Ghost. Let's go introduce you." Six said. "Can all available operators report to the cafeteria." Six said into the intercom. Once you got to the cafeteria you followed Six onto a stage. "We have a new operator with us today. Many of you know him based only his work and stories that other operators have told you." Six said to everyone. "I'm Ghost. I'm not going to tell you my real name or show you my face. If you try to take my mask off of my head, well first of all it won't work as I'm sure you have already tried while I was unconscious and second of all you will be in the infirmary for a while and the floor will be painted red." You said this and you could see the fear in most of the operators' eyes and facial expressions. The one who didn't get scared was Caveira since you had told her this already. "My gadget is called Blackout. It knocks out all electronics within a mile radius of me for 5 minutes. I know some of you already knew that. I prefer to work solo but can work just fine with a team. If you have any questions please ask me now." You explained. One person rose their hand and you told them to ask their question "Why won't you tell us your name?" A green-haired Polish woman asked. "For the same reason Nøkk doesn't." Six answered for you. No one else rose their hand so Six told you to follow her back to her office. "We don't have any open dorms currently so you will have to bunk with Caveira." Six told you. "That's fine, Six." You responded. "I chose Caveira because I understand that you two have had some time to learn about each other and talk. I wouldn't want to put you with someone you haven't met yet. Here is your room key. Dismissed." Six said. "Thank you, ma'am." you said as you were left the office to go find your dorm. As you were walking you heard footsteps behind you and turned to see Caveira trying to sneak up on you. "How'd you hear me?" Caveira asked. "I've trained my ears." You respond to her. She walks up beside you to walk next to you. "So who are you bunking with, Ghost?" She asked. "You." You responded to her. Her eyes lit up and she led you to the dorm. "Damn, it's getting late. I'll take the couch." You said and Caveira started to say something but stopped herself. "Hey Caveira?" you asked. "Yeah?" she cheerfully responded. "Mind if I ask your name?" you asked the question expecting to be told she can't tell you. "It's Taina." She answered. "That's a beautiful name." You said and Taina quickly turned into a tomato. "Th-thank you, G-Ghost." She responds to your compliment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fluster you, Taina." you said with a smile that she couldn't see due to your mask which just made her go even more red "I-it's o-ok." she responded even more flustered. "Looks like someone is nervous." you teased. Taina hid her face in her hands. "I'm sorry Taina." you told her. She got up and hugged you again "Thank you again, Ghost." she said with her head nestled into your chest. "You're welcome, Taina. I won't let anyone else die to the White Masks." you say while tearing up and looking at a picture of your family before the White Masks killed them. You were now shaking while the tears rolled out the eye holes of your mask. "Hey, what's wrong?" Taina asked sitting next to you. "I feel like I can trust you, please don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you." you saying before shedding some more tears. "I promise, Ghost." Taina responds with worry in her voice. "29 years ago. It was my sister's 2nd birthday, I was 14, we were all enjoying the day at a restaurant opening her presents and she was just having such a great time. Then a group of 5 people with white masks on walked in with guns and started killing everyone. My parents were among the first to be shot, the Masks didn't notice me in the corner. Next thing I knew i was on the ground in a pile of rubble  because one of them threw C4 and blew the place up. I couldn't find my sister in the rubble. I assumed she was dead and I left with the goal to kill every White Mask." you told Taina the whole story and at this point you were completely breaking down and Taina was also crying while hugging you. "I'm so sorry, Ghost." Taina could barely say before crying more. You both sat there for a while and then went to sleep, you on the couch and Taina on the bed.        

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