Chapter 24

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We got to the event that evening. As we approached the venue, my excitement turned into sheer nervousness.
Alessandro must have noticed, because he took my hand in his and squeezed reassuringly. I looked at him and he smiled and said, "Don't worry princess, just focus on me" then he winked. That made me laugh.
We got to the venue and my nerves shot back up. Once again Alessandro squeezed my hand, this time both hands. "Don't forget, princess, focus on only me. I looked outside the car and there was hundreds of paparazzi with thousands of fans.
They must have gotten heads up that this was Alessandro's ride because the reporters were now hovering around the vehicle.
Three of his bodyguards got down and cleared the way. Then Alessandro got down and circled the car. Immediately the crowd spotted him, they went wild. Wow, it was clear they loved him. He opened the door and helped me out, then proceeded to arrange my dress. Immediately they caught a glimpse of me, the paparazzi went wild trying to get pictures of us. More guards alighted and had to forcefully form a barrier around us.
Alessandro gave me his elbow. I linked my arm and we started the long walk to the event center.
The crowd kept going wild and the reporters kept following us shouting questions. I suddenly prayed the ground would open and swallow me.
When we were at the entrance of the hall, Alessandro whispered into my ear for us to pose for a few pictures.
After a few minutes, we finally entered the hall. We hadn't even entered the hall and people were already rushing over to have a word with Alessandro. Seeing him like this was really weird. This rich and powerful people where almost literally falling at his feet and mine. With the way he was at home, it was easy to forget that he wasn't just some rich guy, but he was also a very important and powerful man.
He always took his time introducing me to the people that we met. I am sure by now, they must be struggling to find out whose daughter I was. Everywhere I turned, there were stolen glances and murmurs.
All of a sudden, a loud mumur erupted across us. I looked up surprised and moments later, the reason was revealed. There was Isabella, strutting towards us in all her glory.
She had a fake smile on her face as she approached us. She got to where we were standing but ignored me, kissing Alessandro on his cheeks. In response, Alessandro took a step back then put his hand around my waist,pulling me close.
Then turning to me, he gave me that million mega watt smile, then said, "There's no need for an introduction, you guys have already met."
"Oh, you are still here" she said turning to me for the first time. "What's happening babe? You said you weren't coming" she added.
Alessandro started to speak up but I cut in. "Listen girl, why don't you read the damn room for once. No one has the time for your banter. Don't you have somewhere else to be? If you don't, I and my date do. And you are keeping us from us from doing that. If you have anything urgent and work related, please call his office. And I hope you are not planning on following us, cause we clearly don't need a third wheel."
I glanced at Alek and he was looking at me with an amused smile.
I turned back to Isabella, leaning in a bit towards her, I said "See you around, preferably never."
Taking Alessandro's arm, we glided into the room towards the dance floor.
The music changed into a slow one and couples began filing out to the dance floor. Alessandro takes my hand and we begin to dance slowly. He hasn't taken his eyes off me all evening.
"You look so beautiful Cara Mia" he says as if reading my mind. I blushed lightly.
"You don't look bad yourself" I say laughing.
The dance finishes and he escorts me to a corner of the room. As he is about to speak, Alberto approaches us and whispers something to Alessandro. His happy expression becomes serious. He tells me he would be right back and walks off briskly with Alberto, they pass a back entrance and exit the building.
Against my better judgment, I decided to follow them. I pass a series of corridors and stopped immediately I heard his voice. I heard another voice. Then I heard Alessandro address the voice as senator.
I tried peeking but it was already dark so I couldn't make out the man's face. I could see Alberto standing guard and Alessandro deep in discussion with the man.
I tried to make out what they were saying but they were conversing very quietly in Italian. But I could make out a few words Alessandro was saying. Warehouse, Children, Sicily, Mozia. I take out my phone and quickly send a message to Luke about what I just heard.
Just then, Massimo pops out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me.
"What are you doing creeping in the dark?" he asked. Oh my God, brain please think of something.
"I was walking around looking for signal for my phone" I say without thinking.
"Okay" he says eyeing me suspiciously. I quickly guided him back into the room.
"So, what were you doing back there?" I asked him curiously.
"I and Pam has been looking for you for a while, itʼs as if you and Alek just disappeared into thin air. Then a friend of mine said he saw Alessandro head in that direction and you follow a minute later. I thought you guys were making out or worse" he said winking at me.
Oh no, someone had seen me. What was I thinking? "So where is he?" he asked.
"I don't know, he probably went off to discuss business" I said trying my best to sound as casual as possible.
I checked my phone, no reply from Luke yet. After a while Alessandro returned. We stayed for a bit, then left. While we were leaving, it was still the same drama like when we got here. Reporters kept shouting questions like is she your girlfriend? Your work associate like Isabella? What's the deal between them? When another reporter asked if I was his girlfriend for the millionth time, Alessandro stopped and smiled at him. Just for half a second then continued walking, even I, had to wonder if I hadn't imagined it.
We got in the car and headed home.

* * * * *
Meanwhile, back at the military base.
Luke was sitting in the conference room when Katelyn walked in annoyed.
"You called for me?" he asked her. "Yes, I did." she answered turning on the screen. The pictures of Alessandro and priscah together at some event popped up.
They were staring into each other's eyes, lost in themselves.
Luke's chest tightened and a feeling of dread washed over him.
"You see this? It seems our little bird has forgotten her purpose of being there. Why do I feel she's enjoying this billionaire status a little too much. The last two weeks, she was busy attending wild parties all over the place with Alessandro's brother when she should have been sitting close to Alessandro" she ranted.
"Let's calm down. You are forgetting that this is the same mission you have been on for eighteen months without any success. And now, you expect her to perform some magic in less than a month." Luke reasoned with her.
"The difference is she has access to him like we never had. He is vulnerable around her. And she needs to act fast while it's still hot" she replied.
"So just because he's in love with her, that means the Alessandro Portelli would become vulnerable and careless around her overnight? Come on Kate, you and I know how works, just give her a break. She's going through a lot right now as it is, and I know you don't care but she hasn't been having the most rosey time in that house" he said.
"Oh!" she exclaimed before approaching Luke. She reached him and leaned into his his space.
"Lucas, what is this I see in your eyes? Don't tell me!" her voice trails off. "Do you have feelings for her?" she asked taken aback.
"What? So having a little decency and compassion for another human being automatically means having romantic feelings?" he asked her, but his eyes betrayed him.
"You really have feelings for her. No, this is deeper than just some feelings" she scoffed. "What is it about this girl that captivates and entices y'all? First Alessandro, now you. God knows how many more" she remarked bitterly.
"You know she's technically Alessandro's woman. So are you planing on pursuing your feelings? Are you going to go up against him? Well from the looks of things, it's already a loosing battle. Her heart already chose who it wants to beat for" she said glancing at the screen.
"Well, we can't all have what we want, can we? Same way your feelings for me would never be reciprocated" Luke replied.
She pulls back and paces the room, clearly trying to get her emotions in check.
"You better tell her to get her act together and stop using her heart and start using her head to think. Our superiors are getting impatient. They don't want to waste any more resources or man power on liabilities" she said.
"Maybe she needs a little wakeup call from us to jolt her back to reality" she added.
Just then Luke's phone vibrates. He whips it out and there was a message from Priscah.
He shows the message to Kate. They contacted the tech tech for possible locations of the warehouse. Few minutes later a possible location is provided and the calvary is rolled out.
"See what I said? A little patience always goes a long way" he said before running off to join the others.

Priscah's gown to the event

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Priscah's gown to the event.

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