Chapter 4

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Priscah's POV

       I and Pamela had gone out to do one final shopping spree before we left Italy for Paris. I was looking forward to dining at the at the Eiffel Tower while Pam was exited to be in the city of love.
     I had quit the cafe the next day after that incident. I and Pam had just wandered around Italy over the course of the next few days, exploring the culture and having fun. We read about this village market online last night and decided to check it out.
      Early this morning, we headed out. I was having so much fun. Pam dragged me to a roadside stall that sold this hand made colorful earrings. They where really pretty. I was busy admiring the intricacy of an earring when I feel someone touch my arm. I turn around and freeze. It's him, the psycho.
   What is he doing here, and what is he doing touching my arm? I throw him my best glare and shrugged my arm out of his grip. He is smiling at me now, I feel myself almost throw up in my mouth. He says something in Italian that I don't understand.
      God, I wanted to wipe that stupid smile of his face badly. He then says with a serious tone "we need to talk". " Talk about what? the only discussion we should be having is about your apology for being a prick and total dickhead".  An unreadable expression crosses his face. Then he smiles and says " mhmm feisty, I like that".  I'm sure I'm about to explode from anger.
Pam clears her throat confused, I give her a look letting her know he was the rich prick I told her about. I grab her hand and attempt walking away from him but he grabs my waist from behind. I swing around and stomp on his foot with everything I have got in me. He winces, shocked but maintains his hold on me.
Pam try's protesting but Lorenzo who had alighted from the vehicle and crossed the street by now, comes to his rescue. He grabs pam's hand and guides her away. I hear him whisper to her saying " those two have a lot to discuss, let them talk a bit. We would just be across the street".

Lorenzo's POV
Seeing the way Alessandro behaved when he set his eyes on her today, I understood everything that was going on. I also knew this was the reason for his cranky behavior throughout the week. I recognize the girl, she was the beauty from that cafe, very pretty girl. She was hard to forget and also had a body that would make any man do a double take.
She was also clearly a foreigner, her accent was a dead giveaway. She also had an attitude. I could see why Alek was enthralled by her. But knowing him and how bad he was with women, I knew I had to intervene.
I got down from the car and approached them. Great, he already had her pissed. I saw she was with a friend, also pretty like her. I grabbed her friends hand and guided her to a nearby food stand across the street, where we could still have a view of Alek and her friend.
Alek hadn't said anything about his mystery girl to me, and I was still amused at the whole thing. So I knew I had to get the bottom of this. At best get useful information that might help Alek. I was still clueless about what was going on, but if my guess was right and I'm sure I was, then we where all in for a ride.
     I give her friend my best charming smile and she blushed. She was cute. Looking at her, I could already tell what she was like, the cute, easygoing type. This was going to be too easy.
   Meanwhile, in pam's mind, she was busy thinking about how cute he was. She already had a crush on him. "What's your name?" She asks. "Lorenzo" he replied with his thick Italian accent, "but you can call me Enzo"

Back to Lorenzo's POV
     In less than five minutes, I had already gotten all the information I could get from her. They where tourists, fresh graduates that wanted to see the world. No boyfriends, the other one didn't particularly care for the male population, especially "rich obnoxious jerks like Alek".
     Well, according to her friend, they where leaving in a few days and we're doing last minute shopping. I smiled down at her, she didn't look bad at all, but she looked too innocent and tiny and too young. They were just twenty two years old.

Meanwhile across the street
     After stomping on his feet, he still refused to let me go. He's grip tightened and he just kept gazing at me. I struggled to free myself in vain. People where already gathering and some even had their phone out recording. Seriously how could he not be affected by all this. I was so embarrassed. He obviously liked to cause chaos wherever he went without a care in the world.
     "I could do this all day, but if you want this to be over soon, just talk to me for five minutes" he says. I agree, wanting this ordeal to be over. We leave the side of the road and head to a nearby ice cream stand. I asked him what he wanted from me, but he keeps staring at me.
      After a while, he speaks "why did you disappear? What happened?" "That's none of your business rich boy, I hissed". " Alessandro" he suddenly says. "Huh" I mutter. "My name is Alessandro not rich boy" he says smiling at me.
    I gulp, the way his voice booms out sends shivers down my spin. "What is your name?" he asks. "why do you need to know my name? I don't know you, so I have no reason to tell you name. "I already told you mine, so it's only fair you tell me yours" he says. I roll my eye. "If that's the only thing you dragged here to talk about, then I better get going. Your five minutes are up anyway". I turn to leave but he holds my arm, this time gently I notice.
   "Can I take you out for dinner? I want to know you". I almost spat at him. I wrung my hand from his, hissed at him and walked away. Did he really thing I was some cheap girl he could flash his money at and have, just like that.
     As I walked away, he tried grabbing me, I sound around and kneed him in the groin . Before he could recover, I quickly cross that street and grab pans hand, eyes his friend and stalked off. Before they knows it, we had already turned the corner and disappeared.

*                  *                     *                        *                    *
       Unknown to them, a petty drug dealer watched the whole show with anxiety and fear, then proceeded to take pictures and videos of both Alessandro and Priscah.
      Walking away he called his boss. "Boss, I think we hit the jackpot. I have information Ricardo would be willing to pay handsomely for". "really", the bosses asked. It must be something pretty big for this idiot to sound so excited. That is if he wasn't sniffing out of the drugs he was he was supposed to be selling again.
  "Get over here now" the boss barked. If it was something worthwhile to Ricardo, then it wasn't safe on the streets in the hands of that idiot.

*                         *                               *                             *
        Three blocks down the road, an unknown figure lurked in the shadows watching the whole spectacle. After a while, he whips out his phone and placed an anonymous call.
     Grinning widely, he speaks into the mouthpiece, " I think we finally got him". He didn't need to explain further and the caller understood.
   Unknown to Priscah, her nightmares was about to begin, her life and she knew it was finally over.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in days. I have been really busy. I saw that this book is 13 out of over 150 books. I really appreciate ever reader. And for those still sticking with this rookie writer, I'm eternally grateful. Pls don't forget to leave your review and comments.


Mafia's girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora