Chapter 1

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Yay! We did it, exclaimed Pamela as she ran the short distance separating us. I look at her and smile. She was now sauntering towards me, the light wind blowing her graduation gown, making it sway against her.
She finally gets to me and hugs me tightly,I never doubted we would make it Priscah, but there were times I seriously felt like giving up, she says. Now here we are, the latest graduates in town. I chuckle lightly, we definitely made it sis, I say.
My name is Priscah Isong, a native of urue- ufong in Akwaibom state, Nigeria. I'm twenty- two years old, dark skinned with the full natural Afro. Pamela is my best friend and only family, as we are both orphans. As the saying goes, we were like word and opposite. While pam, was the easygoing optimistic type, I just didn't give a damn. Well, if you asked people, they would say I was the spitfire type. I guess that's what "no nonsense" people are called this days, cue, the eye roll lol.
So what's next, pam says with a twinkle in her eye. She gives me that look she usually gets when she knows exactly what's on my mind. Time to get that one way ticket and get the hell out of here I winked at her. In the meantime,let's fuck shit up,I scream,laughing.We head back to the mini flat I and her shared over the last four years of our undergraduate life.
      *                    *                    *                    *             *
One month later,
I and Pam where all packed up ready to head to the airport on our way to Italy, our very first stop of many ready to start our one year journey around the world, it has always been our dream to travel and see the world. We started saving for this from the very first day we gained admission. Years later we were actually realizing our dreams.
   Are you sure you have everything parked, pam asked. Yea, I think I got everything I need. We had a morning flight and we set out pretty early to beat the grueling traffic of Lagos. Two hours later, we arrive at the airport and check in. No sooner had we checked in, we where already boarding. The five hours fifty five minutes flight breezes by. I spent most of it asleep anyway. Before we knew it, we were heading out of the airport.
  We had arrived in Milan. We took a cab headed to our hotel. We where staying at an affordable hotel in Porta Venezia. The plan was to explore the "whole"of Italy, starting with the city we were staying. We had agreed that after exploring the city a bit, we would look for part time jobs that employ tourist to cut and save cost and also experience the culture as much as we could.
    As luck was on our side, within five days of landing and exploring, we already had jobs. I worked at a small local cafe on the outskirts of town, while pam got a job as a waitress at a pricy restaurant. I guess the jovial, fun personality went a long way. I was happy with my job, the cafe was more my speed, we mostly catered to students and office workers coming in for a cup of tea or coffee and a quick bite.     
      Even tho the hours where long, I worked from nine a.m till nine in the night, it was one day on and one day off. I still had time in between my shift to binge watch k-dramas on Netflix. The job was fun and I shared shift with some Italian college kid named Matteo. The cafe's owner was a short Italian man in his fifties called Gabriele, he was a kind man, very simple minded and easy to deal with. Gab as I called him wasn't always at the cafe, so most times we were left on our own to man the cafe.
    It's been seven days since I started working at the cafe and twelve days in total since we landed Italy, I was clearing some used cups and dishes by the entrance, engrossed in my work when I heard the door bell at the entrance of the cafe ring out. As I looked up, something hard collided and brushes past me, making some leftover coffee spill all over my shirt and jean trousers. I gasped and turned to see the the figure that caused this carnage unapologetically.
   I see two huge muscular men settle at a table directly facing the counter, the hadn't even noticed me or if they did, they gave no indication of it whatsoever. I gaze at them with fire in my eyes and I feel my anger boil over....

To be continued guys.
So this is my first attempt and story ever. I'll like to know what you guys think of the first chapter. I'll update frequently as I have little to do right now. I'll look forward to your comments, words of encouragement and also your critiques. I love y'all and I really appreciate every single reader that gets to read this book.
Muchas Gracias 😘

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