Chapter 18

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I get to the office and I'm directed to his receptionist or so. She asked me, eyeing me. "Who are you here to see?"
"Alessandro Portelli." I say confidently. She just looks at me like I'm crazy. "Do you have an appointment?" she asked annoyed.
"I don't, but you can just tell him priscah is here to see him." She rolls her eyes at me, then says, "You can't see him without an appointment, please come back when you have one." "Besides, he is in a meeting right now and doesn't want to be disturbed." she adds.
Probably with that bitch, I think annoyed. "Well, Mr Lorenzo sent me, I have urgent documents to deliver to Mr Portelli. But if you say I can't go up, I just hope you're ready to take responsibility for whatever, if he doesn't get this documents in time." I say shrugging.
She looks at me skeptically for a minute then says "Okay" and picks up the phone. I wait nervously.
Few seconds later, she hangs up the phone and directs me to the private elevator at the far end of the hallway. "You are going all the way to the last floor" she says, giving me a look.
The lift stops on the 56th floor, and I walked out. Following the sign, I head to Alessandro's office, which wasn't that hard to find. It was the only one on the floor. As I walked in, there he was, in all his glory.
Sitting behind his giant desk, he looked totally different from how he usually was at home. He was all business, prim and professional and incredibly hot. Oops!
Then I noticed the other figures sitting on the sofa, her legs sprawled out seductively.
She was really more gorgeous in person, I noticed annoyed. "Hello" I nodded to her. She gave me a small wave.
Then I walked towards Alessandro's desk, he had already gotten up and come around.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. "Oh, sorry for interrupting your meeting." I replied. One could literally hear the air quotes around the meeting.
"I just came here on Lorenzo's behalf. He was running late to the airport and apparently these documents were supposed to be important, so I came on his behalf. Even though now I highly doubt it was that important." I say looking at him. "Anyway, now that I have delivered it, I won't keep you from your meeting any longer." I added walking to the desk and dropping the papers.
As I turned to go, he grabbed my hands. "Wait, we still need to talk.” he said.
      “We still haven't finished our meeting.” Isabella cuts in. “You guys can talk later.”
      “Isabella, I think we are done here. We can discuss what ever is left later, besides I don't think it's that important.” he replies her.
      “But Alessandro, you promised me lunch.” she says pouting.
      “Isabella this is urgent, please leave.” he cuts in raising his voice.
       She turned and grabbed her purse. Then glaring at me, she catwalked out.
      I turned to him and said, “Oh, you guys are having lunch now. Dinner, lunch, what's left? Breakfast in bed? Who am I kidding, you probably already got that on lock.” I scorfed.
      “No, it's not what it seems.” he says moving towards me.
      “It's never what it seems. That's what you always say.” I cut in, taking a step back. “Do you think I am a fool?” I yelled. “Last night you were all like you are the only one I want. I would wait for you forever crap.” I say mimicking him. “Were you mocking me when you put on that Oscar worthy performance?”
      “Please, let me explain.” he says taking taking a step towards me again. He looked hurt by my tirade.
      “Explain what? How you are a lying piece of shit? I must really seem like one naive little girl to you.” I turned and grabbed my bag and walked out.
      As I exited the building, I saw he didn't even come after me. My chest tightened.
      I walked to the car. As I was about getting in, I notice a familiar figure alight from a purple Bently. Isabella, I noted with displeasure. She sauntered towards me.
      She plasters a fake smile on her face.
      “Hi, I am Isabella.” she says. “Yeah, I know that.” I smirked at her.
      “And you must be the little project Alessandro has got going on. His latest.” she retorted.
      “What? Project?” I asked shocked.
             “Yeah, he said something about taking care of you. Some charity project he has going on. I always tell him to beware of vultures like you. But, Alessandro is far too kind. He thinks of you as a little innocent girl. But I see through you clearly. You are after not just his money, but him. You really think you can have him.” she mocked. “You aren't as helpless as you seem. Stop hoping to seduce him because he's mine. I have him in my palms. No matter what or who, he always comes back.”
      I just stood there stunned. Managing to find my voice, I tell her “First of all, you can have him for all I care, secondly, he told you that I am a charity project?” “I mean obviously, who else would have told me or how else would I have found out you live in his house?” she replied. “You better leave on your own before he gets totally fed up and kicks you out.” she added.
      I turned and walked to the car feeling like the weak bitch I knew I wasn't.

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