Ch. 16

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Melanie's POV:

"What do you want Ben?" I managed to say.

"You know exactly what I want." He said coming closer to me.

"I don't want to do anything Ben." I raised my voice.

"We've already done it before. Why not again?" He said as he traced my jaw line.

I smacked his hand off my face.

"We never did anything. You raped me." My voice cracked.

"How is it rape if you wanted it?" He said as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall.

I kneed him in the stomach and moved on the other of the bathroom. I unlocked the door and had my hand on the handle.

"I told you to stop. I tried pushing you off me. I didn't want it and you still did it." I had tears in my eyes. I was trying so hard not to cry in front of him.

"Well if you don't want it. Why are you still here?"

"Because I want you to admit. I want you to say what did was wrong." I was shedding tear after at this point.

He laughed. "What was wrong Melanie? Are just upset that the sex wasn't good or something?"

"We didn't have sex. You fucking raped me." I said through my teeth.

He walked a step closer to me.

"Did I over dominate you or something? Cause I didn't rape you. I'm just very dominant in bed." He kind of smirked.

I slapped him.

"I've beat your ass before I'll do it again. Just admit what you did to me."

He sighed. "So we had sex you didn't like that doesn't mean I raped you."

"But you did! I told you to stop. I tried shoving you off me. I told you no. I did everything in my power to try and get away from you. Yet you still put my hand behind my back. Tied them together. Pulled my pants down. Then stuck yourself inside of me."

"I was just being dominant. If you don't like that shit. Good to know you're vanilla." He shook his head.

There was a pause. I realized I was never going to get him to admit what he did because he doesn't think he did it.

I let out a deep breath.

"So am I right?" He asked.

"You're so so so wrong in all ways you could possibly be."

I opened the door and walked out. I basically started sprinting out of the house.

Once I got outside I texted Jade to let her know I was leaving.

I walked away from the party and started walking out of the neighborhood. I just wanted to shower and go to sleep. I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't.

Once I started getting closer to the outside of the neighborhood, it started raining.

How fucking cliche.

There's a gas station that's about a 10 minute walk so I should be fine.

I was going to go there so I could call an Uber to get home.


I finally got home. It's about one in the morning and I'm still crying.

I hesitated to walk through the door. I didn't want anybody seeing me cry. But oh well.

I walked through the door and I saw my dad sitting in the living room. This is the first time I've seen him in two days.

I looked at him then went to the bathroom to wash my face. He didn't even acknowledge that I was there.

I went to my room to change into a big t-shirt and some basketball shorts. Then I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

"Melanie." My dad said.

I walked into the living room.

"The boys said that you were leaving for a few hours."

"Yeah that's true." I responded.

He pointed to the recliner. So I sat down.

"Where'd you go?"

"I just went to a party. But I left because I didn't want to be there long."

I could feel the tension in the air.

"That's nice. Now why am I hearing rumors that my daughter is out fucking." He raised his voice.

He stood up and got in front of me.

"Now I'm gonna ask for the truth. Is my daughter out fucking?" He yelled.

I didn't answer for a second, I freeze up every single time this man raises his voice at me.


He cut me off. "You what Melanie?"

Tears started coming my eyes. "I've only had sex one time."

I knew the only option was to tell the truth. This man always finds out the truth or knows I'm lying. I have no other option but to be honest.

He started laughing. I've never heard him laugh like this before.

"What did I tell you?" He yelled in my face.

"That if I was out being fast that you beat so bad that I couldn't be." I was choking back tears.

"That's right. Now your actions have consequences. You know what's gonna happen now?" He said quietly.

I shook my head.

"Melanie you're a smart girl. Cmon I know you know the answer." He said as if he was happy about this.

I started crying more and more. "You're gonna beat senseless."

"Ding ding ding." He laughed.

"Stand up." He said.

I stood up.

"Turn around."

I hesitantly turned around.

There was a pause.

"If you scream, I will hit you harder."

That's when the beating started. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me down.

He just kept hitting me over and over. Never did I think my dad was going to go this far. He didn't say anything when he was hitting me. I didn't either. I knew there was no way out of this and I knew if I just told him to back of it would get worse. All you heard were my groans of pain and his grunts from beating my shit in.

After what felt like eternity he stopped.

"Do something like that again and I hear about it, well" he kind of laughed. "Let's just say I won't be so nice."

I stood up to go to my room. I was limping. I couldn't feel anything. I felt like an egg shell. I went to my mirror to look at myself.

I could already start to see where the bruises were gonna form.


Unknown Love // Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now