Ch. 4

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Oscar's POV:

Today was stressful, I had to deal with Melanie. Deal with her getting jumped in. Then I had to hear Cesar bash her for having to get jumped in. But she didn't seem like she cared, strange. Usually she'd be flipping her shit right now because she's being told what to do in a pushy context.

We were all getting out of the car and Cesar and Melanie were arguing,

"What the fuck is there to look at Melanie? One fight and you already acting like you've doing this shit for years. You ain't tough shit."Cesar said.

"Okay."She said all confidently.

Then her dad called her over. It was time, she had it coming.

We all moved out of the way and the girls were walking towards her. She was gonna be in some pain for awhile, these were Freeridges' best female fighters. At least that's what we all thought until Melanie knocked Malu out and stomped Karla out.

Melanie just rolled her eyes and smirked.

Melanie's POV:

I saw my dad stand up pull Antonio, Oscar, Lil' Johnny, and TZ aside. I assume there going to the garage. I walked back over to Oscar's car to get my book bag. By the time I got it out though Antonio called for me in the back yard.

"What do y'all need me for?" I asked him

"You'll find out in a minute." He said dryly.
I could already tell where this situation was gonna go.

I walked over by the garage and saw them all standing around like they've been planning something.

My dad was the first one to speak. "You been hiding shit from me mija?" He raised him eyebrow.

I didn't say anything I just stared at him.

He started to talk again. "The boys telling me you've been acting recently. So I'm gonna ask you again whatcha hiding?" He said stepping closer.

In this moment I was genuinely so scared but I couldn't let anyone else see that or know that.

I sighed. "So about six months ago when I use to go hangout with that one girl that lived over by the bodega on the south-ish end. Well before me and her stopped being friends. One night while I was over there, we were just getting back from a party and she asked me to run down the street real quick to go get some snacks for the morning so I did. I didn't think much of it because I've done it multiple times before. And when I did I got snatched up, blind folded and taken somewhere about probably a 5 minute drive from I was at."

"Can hurry up with the-" I cut Cesar off.

"Shut the fuck up I'm not done telling my story.   Anyways before I was rudely interrupted. As I was saying I was taken somewhere in an alley.  I was thrown out the trunk and when my blind fold was taken off I saw Cuchillos.  I was in shock and didn't  understand why she wanted me there. She just looked at me and told me all these about business and money and whole bunch of bull shit.  Then she told me that I was gonna start working for her. I told her I didn't want to and that's something that I was gonna be doing soon anyways so why would I do it now, you know? And that's why she tells me I was gonna start making runs for Los Santos Cartel. There's obviously more to the story but I just-"

Antonio cut me off. "I'm sorry did you say Los Santos Cartel?"


Unknown Love // Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now