Ch. 2

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Oscar's POV:

I was on my way to lunch to go meet up with the guys. When I noticed Latrelle was trying to go after Melanie. This shit was not about to end well.

I was walking faster over there when I saw Latrelle put his arm around her. But I wasn't fast enough because she was already beating the living hell out of that kid. I stood there in confusion for about 5 seconds on where she learned to fight so well because I know her dad didn't teach her.

I ran up behind her and tried pulling her off him but she was relentless. She soon gave up realizing there wasn't much left to fight for.

"What the fuck just happened?"I said in an annoyed tone.

"He kept trying to get me, I ignored him, he smacked my ass, told him not to touch me, I tried walking away he put his arm around me, then I rocked his shit."She shrugged.

"You just got green lighted."I said irritated.

"Yeah, I know."She said calm.

"Melanie Sanchez principal's office now!"A teacher yelled.

"Gotta blast, see you later."She said and walked off.

A teacher started helping Latrelle regain conscience back when Antonio pulled me away from the scene.

"You saw that?"He said in shock.

"Yeah I was the one that pulled her off."I replied.

"Damn, tougher than we thought. Way tougher than we thought." He laughed, but I wasn't.

"You know she just got green lighted right?"I say serious.

"Yeah, I know. She's gonna fucking hate that being told what to do shit."Now then we both laughed.

Melanie's POV:

I was sitting in the principal's office when I was getting lost in thought.

I knew I was about to get my ass handed to me at home. I knew that this was gonna be all over Freeridge. I knew that people were gonna look at me weird now. I knew that my time to get "jumped in" was gonna be sooner, which meant I'm gonna have to tell everyone that I'm Melly a lot sooner. I knew that I was gonna get suspended or maybe even expelled. But right now I'm just more concerned on the Santos bullshit I'm gonna have to deal with.

"Melanie Sanchez, never thought that you'd ever be in my office."Mr. Glover said as he and the nurse walked in the room.

She came over to me and started looking at me hands."Look sir, he tried to grab me and I was just defending myself. I do understand I took it a tad bit to far, but I was protecting myself."I say in a respectful manner.

"A tad bit?"He looked in annoyance.

"You broke his nose, punctured his eyes, and knocked some of his teeth out. You know you could have just walked away."He looks at me with a stern look.

This fool can not be serious right now.

"I tried Mr. Glover, multiple times, but he wouldn't budge. So when he put his arm around me that's when my instincts kicked in. I didn't feel comfortable."I said shrugging.

I knew I was pulling the victim card. I knew exactly what I was doing, and what I was saying.

"Regardless of anything you're still going to have to get a suspension. This is your first offense on your school record, and a pretty big one. You have one more strike and your out."He said letting out a sigh.

"Okay, how long is the suspension?"I let out a sigh.

"Anywhere between 4-6 weeks. I don't know exactly yet. I have to discuss that with your counselor, the Dean and Vice principal." He said rubbing his face.

"Oh okay? Soo what next?"

"Well that would be me wrapping up your hands, this isn't to bad but still." The nurse stated.


"Watch your language. Now I'm going to call you parents, want to be there when that happens?"Mr. Glover glanced at me.

"Gladly."I smiled.

He started calling when my dad, he then answered.

"Hello?"My dad questioned.

"Hi Mr. Sanchez, I'm the principal here at Freeridge High and I was calling to inform you that your daughter Melanie got into an altercation with another student."

"What do you mean altercation?"My dad said.

"She got into a fight sir, we had to tamed the kid home for a few days up to a week due to the injuries." Mr. Glover said in a low tone.

"What kind of trouble is she in?"My dad said blankly.

"We're looking at a 4-6 week suspension. If the boy decides to press charges then that's other trouble that doesn't involve the school."Mr. Glover said as he was typing an email.

"Can I please talk to my daughter?"

"Of course."And Mr. Glover handed the phone to me.

"Hey dad."I said nervously.

"So you won?"He said curious.

"Yes sir."I said positively.

"You know that  the boys already called me up and told me what happened?"

"I figured, so when are you coming out here to come get me because they won't let me leave without a parents approval."I said.

"I'll let them know Oscar is to take you home, now give the phone back to that bitch ass principal." I laughed and so did he.

They talked and I was told that I was going to have 4 weeks of suspension.

I was waiting in the office for the rest of the day for school to be over because Oscar and the guys were my only way out of here.

The bell rang and a security guard escorted me out of the building to the student parking lot where I was waiting for the guys.

"Damn tough stuff."Rigo laughed as he grabbed my hands.



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