Ch. 15

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Melanie's POV:

I was in an Uber to go to a party with my friend Jade. I haven't gone to a party out here in so long.

I think the party's being hosted by this guy named James.

I've seen the pictures of this house and holy fuck is this house not only nice as fuck but big as shit.

I did tell the guys that I'd be going out for the night. I'm trying to let them blow off some steam and calm down after what had happened earlier.


Me and jade arrived at the party and it was already packed.

I don't think I've ever seen so many people in one place.

We walked through the crowd people on lawn and got in the house.

"Ayo Marie?" Jade shouted over the music.

"Jade?" Marie shouted back and walked towards us.

"Oh my god girl I haven't seen you in forever." Jade said.

I let them catch up and talk a bit so I went on my phone. After a minute or two I looked up and Jade wasn't next to me.

What the fuck?

I texted her asking her where she is. But of course no answer.

I just shook it off and decided to go look for the liquor.

I finally got into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle. It was a fifth of Captain Morgan's. I don't think I'm going to drink it all but at least I got something.

I walked out to the back yard. That's when someone approached me.

"Long time no see Melanie." Chris said excitedly and picked me up.

"Okay okay put me down." I laughed.

"How you been?" He asked.

"Pretty good. How bout you?"

"You know me, just sit around smoke my weed, do something fucked up. You know." He said kind of shrugging his shoulders.

"Can't complain if there's weed involved."

"No honestly."

There was a small moment of silence.

"Soo." He said.


"Wanna come sit over with my in friends? We're just kicking it back." Chris asked.

"Yeah that's cool."

While we were walking through the crowd of people he grabbed my forearm to make sure we didn't get separated.

I was just still pissed Jade left me though and with no explanation.

We finally got to the back of the yard where all of Chris's friends are.

"Who's she?" One of Chris's friends asked.

"This is Melanie. Melanie this is Jordan, Dakota, and Maddie."

"Chris why do you always have fine ass female friends?" Jordan asked.

Man Jordan has a lot of questions tonight doesn't he.

"Melanie is a very pretty girl. But man Jordan if I were you I'd watch your tone with her." Chris laughed and sat down in his chair. I just kind of nodded my head in agreement with Chris because he was right.

"The girls like 5'6 and looks like she weighs like 140. How scary could she be?" Dakota asked.

Fantastic another dickhead dweeb.

"Oh y'all know nothing about Melanie. She literal-"

I cut Chris off. "They don't need to know about me they'll either believe it or not. I don't care if they do or don't."

Dakota, Jordan and Maddie all looked at me in shocked.

I caught on pretty quick. Maddie is a pick me. Dakota follows what Jordan says and Chris just sits there.

"What y'all never had a girl talk back to y'all before?" I gave them a dirty look.

"Where you from Melanie?" Jordan asked.

"Don't worry about where I'm from." I smacked my lips.

I looked at Chris. "Yo it was fun catching up with you. I'll text you later but I'm gonna go look for my friend Jade."

Chris sighed he knew why I wanted to go. "Okay Melanie see you later."

I just nodded my head went through the crowd of people looking for Jade.

I decided to walk up stairs sense I couldn't find her downstairs.

I looked through room after room. Then I walked down this hallway to one of the bathrooms and opened the door.

"Well look who it is?"

I tried shutting the door but he stopped with his foot. He opened the door and pulled me in. He shoved me to the other side of the bathroom and shut the door.

I couldn't think. The room felt like it was spinning. I felt weak and vulnerable. I can honestly say for the first time in my life I was actually scared.


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