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Oscar's POV:

I woke up and got out of bed. I looked over at the girl that was laying next to me. I shook my head.

"Yo chica, time for you to go."

She just fluttered her eyes open and looked at me. "Time for yo ass to get going."

She rolled her eyes and got off the the bed and grabbed her clothes that were on the floor.

As she left I went to go to the bathroom to get into the shower. I remembered I have to talk to Mel- Melanie again today. It felt weird being around, not that it was awkward but because she was so different. She didn't front anything anymore. She was so authentically herself.

It feels like a weight on my chest every time I think of her now. She went through so much when I wasn't there, and now I feel like I'm going to put her through more by being around again. I don't know what will make the a difference we're still going to have to be around each other. We live in the same block, have the same people around us, a part of the same gang, there's not much separation between us. There's not going to be. I don't know if I should try to talk to her about us or just leave it alone.

I don't know what was going through my mind when I broke things off with her. I literally killed someone for her and then left her because I didn't want her to miss out on her life. Honestly she probably wishes she did.

God I feel like such a fucking idiot.


Antonio opened the door and let me in his house.

"You here to talk to Melly about the shit Rigo told us?" Antonio asked lowly.

I nodded my head.

"She's in her room." Antonio said and walked towards her room.

I knocked on the door twice and she said come in.

"Hey." I said as I walked in and shut the door behind me.

"Oh shit. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I needed to come ask you something." I said sitting on her bed which is across from her vanity which is where she was sitting at.

"Yeah, what is it?" She questioned nervously.

"Are you sure you never had sex with Troy?"

She looked taken aback by that question.

"I'm not sure why you care, but no I never had sex with Troy in one hundred percent sure of it."

I let out a deep breath and looked at her. She held eye contact with me for awhile.

"What?" She asked.

"Rigo said that he saw you and Troy having sex a few months ago."

Her face dropped. She shook her head. "Rigo must've been talking about this one bitch from Brentwood that tries to look just like me. She's always wanted something to do with Troy so tried to look like what he's obsessed with. It work out for Troy, not for her. He fucked her and then left the party."

A big fucking relief was just took off of my shoulder.

"Thank god. I would've just been sent back to prison." I laughed.

She smiled and looked at the floor. After a moment she got up and sat next me on the bed.

"I never got the chance to say it but thank you." She paused. "I never thought you'd actually kill for me."

I grabbed her hand. "I'd do anything for, anything."

She made eye contact with me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. I saw her blush as she did that.

"Are we gonna keep lying to each other?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"About, you know, us?"

I felt like my heart was about to explode.

"We don't have to." I said cautiously.

"Then why don't we stop?"

"Then let's." I said.

After I said that she grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips.

I kissed back. This wasn't like any other kids we've had before. This one, this one was passionate, it was sweet, it's was light, it was fresh, it was perfect.

I pulled away from the kiss. "Mel?" I asked.


"I never asked you before but I'm going to ask you now. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything special. But I promise I will, but what I'm trying say is-"

She cut me off. "Yes, Oscar. Yes."

I laughed. "Do you even know what you're saying yes too?"

"Yes. Yes I do."


Unknown Love // Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now