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Melanie's POV:

Me and Oscar sat around talking for the next hour or so. It was nice to just sit there and talk with somebody that could just understand. You know?

I knew I was lying when I told him I wasn't still in love with him, even though I think it's very obvious I still am. I don't know if he believes me or not. I'm hoping he does, but if he doesn't there's really nothing I can do about it. I hate that he'd know that. But at the same time, what can I say?

Me and Oscar's time together got cut short because the boys came back in saying that they needed him.

We said our byes.

They all left and it was just me sitting at the table thinking about what just happened.

A part of me feels like a fucking idiot and another part feels like I can finally move forward but I don't know what to do.

Maybe I should've taken the past two years of my life to move or maybe it was a good thing I didn't. If I did I would've probably ended up fucking half of Freeridge to get over Oscar.

I sighed and got up from the table to go take a shower.

I just needed to let the steam from the hot water decleanse me. I needed it right now, especially since I feel a wave of guilt for talking to him.

God I fucking hate emotions.


Oscar's POV:

"What'd she say?" Caesar asked.

"A lot." I paused. "All I know is Troy is deserves whatever's coming for him."

They all looked at me confused.

"He tried to have sex with her multiple times and she wouldn't let him. So he cussed her out and call her our name."

"Wait they never had sex?" Rigo asked.

I looked at him like he was fucking stupid.

"Oh my bad. But they didn't? I thought they did." Rigo shrugged his shoulders.

Tony hit his shoulder. "Everyone did dumbass."

"Well I don't know how much she said was true. I literally walked in them having sex." Rigo said.

"Huh?" We all said in unison.

"It was a couple months ago during a party I walked in on them fucking in her room. I never said anything because honestly I just forgot about it till now."


"Looks like you were lied to Spooky." Tony said.

I just nodded my head. But I don't think I was lied too. After the conversation me and her just had, I don't believe that.

Now I have to go talk to her again, and if she tells me that they didn't have sex. Even after I explain to her what I was told, that means she was raped. That means Troy is not only an abusive little bitch boy but also a rapist.


Unknown Love // Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now