Chapter 37

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After the unforeseen encounter, the fleet was back at their original course.

Taihou: Her anti-air guns were hitting my planes every time I tried for a bombing run.

Nelson: ...

Nelson's disappointment with herself was visible, she couldn't get a single hit out of all the rounds she fired.

Takao: And she was fast too.

Shikikan: Ok everyone, I think this is all that we know about her, the good thing is we now have her acoustic signature which we didn't before. When we reach the base I will have a word with Nagato sama and relay the information to all the Azur lane commands. Nelson, Takao, Taihou and Belfast you all did great, have some rest you earned it.

Shikikan clicked the radio to let everyone now.

Shikikan: Our journey is about to come to an end, we will enter Sakura waters by tomorrow morning 03:00 hrs, and rendezvous with the escort fleet until then stay vigilant. You are dismissed.

Everyone gave out a sigh of relief as Shikikan left the room, they had been debriefing for hours now.

Ise: *Yawn* I hate debriefings. Why do we stretch it so long when it could have been done within a matter of minutes.

Takao: To hone our skills. Understanding where we went wrong and where we went right so that we do better next time.

Ise: Yeah yeah...I get it.

Belfast: Would you all like me to fix you a tea.

Nelson: Yes Belfast, please do.

Taihou: I would prefer a Sencha.

Belfast: I am sorry, we just have the tea from MRE ration.

Taihou: Ug....I'll pass.

Taihou adjusted her red yukata and walked out of the room.

Nelson: Taihou! That's not the way out!

Taihou: I know!

Ise: Ah...she is going to her Shi-ki-kan samaaa (Ise tried to mimic Taihou)

Everyone laughed.

Kirishima and Graf Spee were looking down at Akashi who was sitting at a chair in the corner of the room.

Kirishima: You now what Akashi...I don't even have to ask you why you were hiding in this ship. I know you wanted a free and comfortable ride didn't you? You just didn't want to perform deck duties.

Akashi: That's nyot truuee... X(

Kirishima: Oh is that right? Well okay, then why don't you help Taihou in fixing her planes since they were damaged in the battle.

Akashi: ugggh...

Kirishima: Akashi you need to fix that attitude of yours you or representing the Sakura navy. Your shrewd way of thinking does not send the right message.

Akashi: Hey! Its was my genius that our logistics are as good as they are...

Kirishima: ...were!. As they were since Shikikan took over the administrative duties we have seen way better changes. Changes that you never could bring and please don't talk about your genius you just entice people with your cute and innocent face and then screw them up.

Akashi: What am I hearing Kirishima~nya? Are you jealous that you are not as cute as I am~nya??? Maybe that's why you hide your face~nyaaa.

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