Chapter 6

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Cleveland: Take this........

Cleveland fires her AA guns at the income siren bombers, knocking out three of the 10 plane squadron, the other seven evaded Cleveland's indiscriminate firing.

Cleveland: What are these planes....... they are way faster than what we were told during the 


Cleveland dodges the bombs dropped by the siren planes and resumes targeting the planes.

Admiral: Lexington, get your fighters in the air and secure the air superiority, Cleveland stop engaging those planes and maintain the course.

Lexington: Go forth, carrier planes!

Lexington launched tow squadrons of F4F Wildcat fighters. The fighters quickly engaged the siren planes in a fierce dog fight.

Admiral: Vestal look after Cleveland. South Dakota, Arizona aim for that siren carrier.

South Dakota: This is your stop!

Arizona: This time I will protect everyone!

South Dakota and Arizona launched a volley at the siren carrier. The volley made perfect contact with the carrier, three shots landed on the flight deck and two of them breached the hull. The magazine room of the siren carrier exploded into two half.

Cleveland: Good hit! Good hit!

Admiral: Enterprise do you read me? Skies are clear! I repeat skies are clear!

Enterprise: ........

Admiral: Enterprise? Do you read me?


Admiral had now asked for the second time but Enterprise didn't answer. Admiral tried a third time...

Admiral: Enterprise do you read-

Admiral was cut short by huge explosions. The flash was so bright it had to be a delayed fuse bomb and there was more than one target destroyed. As he covered his eyes, still holding the radio to his ears when it answered.

Enterprise: Good hit....

Lexington: The siren flagship has been sunk, rest of the fleet is retreating.

Admiral let out a sigh of relief.

Admiral: Enterprise I would prefer you reply to your superior officer-

Two more explosion flashes lit up the night sky. Admiral looked at the two retreating vessels now crippled.

Enterprise: Understood......

The radio fell silent, admiral kept the radio back.

Admiral: Set course for the main port, we are heading back. Lexington keep patrolling the skies, Arizona South Dakota keep an eye out for the enemy planes.

Admiral relayed the orders. He sat down on the captain's chair.

Lexington: Why didn't you let us fight in our gear rather than making us control these ships, Admiral?

Admiral looks at Lexington looking at him.

Admiral: I am getting too old, Lexington....

Lexington: Admiral..... Admiral!!!

Admiral Nimitz collapsed on the floor. Lexington rushed towards him. The last thing admiral saw was Lexington checking his nerves as he blacked out.

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