Chapter 41

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Nelson and Belfast were walking through the corridors of the dorm, carrying their and Shikikan's luggage.

Nelson: Drones, Submarines, Insertion....what the hell is he thinking?

Belfast: I do not know my lady.

Nelson: And why did they grab him and asked us to leave?

Belfast: They require my lord's expertise to devise a battle plan we would have just been in the way.

Belfast answered Nelson calmly.

Nelson: You don't think he is serious about leading such a mission himself?

Belfast: I have been looking around his personal belongings and couldn't find anything related to something like this. My lord is not a foolish man, he wouldn't dare to go unprepared, in fact, he despises being unprepared the most.

Nelson: Why would he hide it from you? And are we seriously letting him do this?

Belfast: NO! He will not be going anywhere, after all, we can't lose our only commander. But that's exactly the reason he hid it from us.

"What a sly man," Belfast said under the breath.

Nelson: This is bad, we should talk to Lady Nagato or Hiei and tell them about his mental condition, sending him on such a suicidal mission is definitely gonna get him killed.

Belfast: We can't, Lady Hood's direct orders were to keep the knowledge of my lord's condition hidden from other people. Right now our best bet is for Lady Tosa to refuse my lord's proposal.

Nelson: And what are the chances of that happening?

Belfast looked through the window at the Sakura main port.

Belfast: The plan my lord proposed seems to be the only way to avert possible destruction of remnants of the once-great Sakura fleet...I would say quite slim.

The planning room was alive with activity. Charts were being drafted, logistical notes were being filled. And at the giant wall map, Shikikan sama was debriefing Nagato, Hiei, and other fleet commanders about the island layout.

Shikikan used a brush and charcoal black ink to draw a bigger version of the volcanic island in the picture he had while explaining the geography.

Shikikan: Over here, here and here, these trees are dense we would need saws to cut those branches and other obstacles.....this stone sticks out and is slant enough to climb.......the whole reef is deep enough but still, as a safety measure, we will stop our subs at about 100m away from the corals and continue our insertion underwater.

He took a moment to dip the brush for more ink and resumed explaining as he drew a near-perfect sketch of the volcanic island.

Tosa: We have never done this before are you sure this will work?

Shikikan: How would it not work? We have the exact location of almost all targets. I just need some very skilled set of people ten would be an ideal number who have a higher than average IQ, disciplined, and a heart of iron. These people including the submarines must understand that this mission doesn't have any returning unless we accomplish it, they should be prepared to die and expect no rescue efforts. And there will be casualties if things went even slightly south. Nagato sama as hard as it may sound I cannot promise a safe return for anyone of us.

Takao: I should go with you.

Shikikan: You can't you are already leading the 5th fleet.

Takao: Atago can take my place-

Hatakaze: I am not in support of this plan.

Hatakaze interrupted Takao with her calm voice. Initiating a vote.

Takao: I support this plan.

Kongou: Seems well planned, I support this plan.

Houshou: I am not sure about this plan it's too dangerous. I do not support this plan.

Nagato: What do you have to say about this Tosa?

Tosa: I support this plan.

Tosa said in a calm voice. Then raised her eyes and looked at Nagato confirming her decision. Hearing Tosa, Nagato felt left alone, unable to make a decision. All her logical thinking wanted her to accept this plan but her instincts were saying otherwise. What Shikikan had offered seemed too good to be true. The plan seemed well made and if successful was going to save her from the grief of what might happen. But at the same time if the plan fail-

Shikikan: I would die before letting this operation fail. I cannot promise everyone's safe return but I can promise that the mission will be a success. We will achieve our objective no matter the cost.

Nagato: So you are asking me to chose who is going to live and who is going to die?

Shikikan: No, I am asking you to choose the people who you think will make sure this mission is a success before dying. I don't want liabilities with me on the battlefield.

Nagato felt a strange aura around Shikikan, she looked up at him and saw his eyes were no longer the usual calmly charming. They were lifeless yet intense.

Hiei: Let's take a break-

Nagato: No!

Hiei was cut off by Nagato's sharp voice.

Nagato: I have made my dicision. We will move forward with Shikikan sama's plan. Tosa sama makes sure Shikikan sama gets whatever he needs.

Tosa: Hai.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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