Chapter 19

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A hooded figure walks alone on the beach of the main port. From a distance, it stares at the Shikikan's house.

???: It seems the old man had lost his will to live.

The stranger relayed the message.

Zuikaku: May his soul rest in peace.

???: Have you told senpai about Shikikan?

Zuikaku: No, not yet...

???: You are probably right. Zuikaku, I miss the old days.

Zuikiku: I miss them too and I am sure everyone else thinks the same.

???: Then why don't you just come back?

Zuikaku: You know someone has to do this...

The hooded figure paused for a moment, trying to hold her tears back.

???: I wait for the day we reunite... until then stay safe.

Zuikaku: You too...

Zuikaku ended the transmission as she looked at the setting sun. Shoukaku saw her sister and walked towards her silently. She kept her hand on Zuikaku's shoulder gently.

Shoukaku: So what did she tell you?

Zuikaku: Admiral is gone...

Shoukaku held back her surprise as somewhere deep inside she had seen it coming.

Zuikaku: Let's go, sister, we need to let others know too.

The two crane sisters walked away into the dense forest holding each other's hands.

Avrora along with other fleet flagships were still brainstorming in the meeting room.

Carolina: Ahh.....I wish Hood was here. Not that I am against the queen participating instead of her but Hood would have helped.

Littorio: Why don't we just vote?

Bismarck: Voting is not the best way, we have to judge him on every single criterion even the way he thinks.

Nagato: Shikikan is a calm soul and he has shown valour in battles too.

Yat sen: His report says he took on an enemy ambush and came out victorious as well as unscathed with just two destroyers and a battleship.

Jean Bart: But he had acted against admiral's orders and had allowed the use of prototype gears.

Carolina: Seems logical considering the situation he was in.

Avrora: *sigh*... We should probably discuss it with Hood since Queen Elizabeth isn't here...

Hood: I say we promote commander to a base commander.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Hood.

Avrora: Speak of the devil though you are an angel Hood.

Hood: I must apologise to all of you on her majesty's behalf. I heard what happened here.

Littorio: It was fun, to be honest.

Hood took a seat, with having everyone's undivided attention.

Hood: Dear ladies, you may want to take a look at this.

She takes out a sealed letter which had the admiral's initials.

Hood: Admiral left it to me before he took his final breath.

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