Chapter 2

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Shikikan still holding his ears, stares at the three ladies with confused eyes.

Hornet: Aww you look like a confused baby.

Vestal: Commander, let me have a look at your ear.

Shikikan obediently lets his hand down so that vestal could have a look at his ringing ear. Still confused Shikikan looks at Belfast.

Belfast: Lord Commander this is Lady Hornet, she will help you better understand our navy and this fleet, please ask her anything you wish to understand.

Hornet: So you are the new commander I guess. I haven't read your battle report, so you will have to fill me on that. But first let me properly welcome you to the base.

Hornet looks at Shikikan expecting some kind of communication, but all he did was stare at her with confused eyes.

"Did I hear her right? Or are my ears still ringing. Focus!" Shikikan takes a deep breath, and calms his nerves. His training helped him put his emotions aside and with a clear mind. Trying to evaluate the situation, he goes through every detail he knows.

"I woke up in the hospital bed, met vestal and Admiral Nimitz, then she took me to my house, where Belfast visited us. After which Belfast drove us to this base and on the way I had seen this ship. After reaching here this woman drilled my ears and said I was able to identify her? I don't even know this woman."

Shikikan: Lady Hornet?

Hornet: Exactly, you can drop the Lady though, that's just too English for my taste. No offence Belfast.

Hornet raise her hand to shake Shikikan's. As he grabs her hand, Hornet shakes it so hard he thought that she might dislocate his arm.

Hornet: Its a pleasure meeting you commander.

Shikikan: Pleasure meeting you too...... Hornet.

Hornet: I see you are a quick learner. So Is there something you want to ask me? 

Shikikan thinks for a moment and then raises his head to ask her.

Shikikan: Why did you say I was able to identify you. I am quite positive we have never met.

Hornet looks at Vestal in bewilderment.

Hornet: But I heard him call my name.

Shikikan: I was referring to this ship.

He points at the aircraft carrier next to them.

Hornet: Yep, that'

Shikikan looks at Hornet, with an irritating confusion he couldn't clear from his mind.

Shikikan: No, I asked if this ship was indeed the USS Hornet of the United States navy, that fought in the second world war.

Hornet too point towards the aircraft carrier next to them.

Hornet: Yes, that is indeed me. What's wrong with you, don't you believe that's me?

Hornet looks at Vestal and Belfast. Both of them used every inch of their strength to keep their composure, but they failed and burst into laughter.

Hornet: What? Can someone tell me what's going on?

Controlling her laughter Belfast clears her throat.

Belfast: Lord Commander, we still haven't told you about the ships of our navy. Let me give you an insight. To fight the Sirens a new kind of weapon was developed, based on the weapons used by humans of earth. To fight on the vast oceans there was no other weapon powerful enough as was the warship created by people of earth. But these weapons were massive and needed a big crew to effectively use them. The higher ups tried to gather crews to operate these ships, but there were not enough people who could operate so many ships. So they extracted the soul of each ship and morphed them into beings.

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