Chapter 3

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After getting Hornet out of the waters, Vestal returns Shikikan his peak cap and sword.

Vestal: Thank you Commander, I'll take it from here. Don't worry about Hornet she will be fine after a little rest.

Belfast: Lord Commander, your cloths are dripping. Lets get back home and get you changed.

Shikikan looked at the sun set, he smiled and took his Peak cap and sword from Belfast.

Shikikan: Can I drive?

Belfast: Indeed, my lord.

Shikikan took the keys and sat in the driving seat, Belfast took the passenger seat behind him.

Shikikan: Well at least its a right wheel drive.

Belfast: Is my lord comfortable with the right wheel drive cars?

Shikikan: I am quite familiar with the right wheel drive cars, I used to drive a lot when I was alive.

Shikikan drives along the mountain road towards the main city while Belfast gave him directions.

Shikikan: Belfast.

Belfast: Yes my lord?

Shikikan: Please keep in mind, the difference in our status is only limited to our work.

Belfast: I will keep that in mind, lord commander.

Shikikan: And you are not my personal maid, you are an aid assigned to me. You are working for me on your own accord.

Belfast: As you wish commander.

Shikikan: Thank you.

Belfast: Please take a left from the next cross roads commander.

Shikikan: And one more thing, I know you are a maid but still. I would appreciate it if you talk to me a little.....frankly.

Belfast: As you wish.

Shikikan: Much better.

Shikikan takes a left from the cross roads.

Shikikan: Belfast there are a lot of things I want to ask you, will you answer my questions?

Belfast: If I know the answer to your questions, indeed I would.

Shikikan: Hmm. So I get it somewhat. The warships of my world....I mean of course your world too. These warships have been morphed into beings, like Hornet.

Belfast: That's true.

Shikikan: Are you a warship too?

Belfast: I am.

Shikikan: What about Vestal?

Belfast: Lady Vestal too is a warship.

Shikikan: Even Admiral Nimitz?

Belfast: No, My lord Admiral Nimitz is a human just like you.

Shikikan: are there any other humans like me?

Belfast: Admiral Nimitz was among the first human officers. He was there even before wisdom cubes were used to morph us into the beings we are right now. But right now you and Admiral Nimitz are the only ones in this base left.

Shikikan: What about the others?

Belfast: After the first war, many humans died. And those who survived wished to move on to the next life.

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