Chapter 11

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Akagi: Shikikan sama, say ah.

Shikikan was chained to a tree as Akagi was feeding him a cooked fish. Shikikan had spent the whole day exploring the island with Akagi, he was amazed, how she had not only managed to survived for so long on this island but also turned it into a luxurious resort. There was every facility a person could ask for, she had built several tree houses and camps that were furnished with beds, chairs, tables, etc. She even had successfully installed a drainage system in some of the more advanced homes.

Akagi had even made clothes out of the cotton she was growing on the island, she even gave Shikikan a yukata she had woven. Shikikan obediently ate the fish Akagi had made for him.

Shikikan: It''s amazing.

Akagi: Really? Stop lying.

Shikikan: It really is amazing.

Akagi: No need for it-

Shikikan: No seriously.

Akagi looked at his eyes, there was no lie in his words.

Shikikan: I am grateful for the hospitality you have shown to me. Even though I am your prisoner.

Akagi: Shikikan sama you are not a prisoner, didn't I tell you these chains were for your own safety?

Shikikan: I highly doubt that.

Akagi: So you don't believe Akagi? In that case, Akagi must prove her point.

Akagi took the chains off from his hands and freed him. Shikikan for a moment couldn't believe he was freed so easily. He felt his arms and there was no pain, not even a single mark.

Shikikan: Akagi, you are a very talented engineer.

Akagi: Of course I am, I have studied mechanical engineering for three years.

Shikikan: Really? That's amazing as a matter of fact, I am an engineer myself, not a mechanical engineer though.

Akagi: Well what kind then?

Shikikan: I had a degree in computer science engineering. You know computers.....

Akagi: The world has developed technology so fast that I don't know much, all I know is that computers are electronic machines used for calculations. They worked on miniature circuits and transistors...I guess.

Shikikan: Akagi you are a very intelligent woman.

Akagi: Aww you are making me blush.

Shikikan: I can talk to you for as long as you want.

Akagi leaned forward.

Akagi: Really?

Shikikan: Yeah.

Akagi: Shikikan sama..... I love you with my whole heart. Even though you don't feel the same. But still, I want to test you.

Shikikan: Test?

Akagi: You see we are warriors of the ocean and a true warrior is the one who has mastered the art of war. Before I went on my self-exile, I had a hunger for war, all I wanted was to perfect this art of mine, you can even say I was obsessed.

Shikikan listened to Akagi with all his attention. He too considered himself a man of war and wanted to perfect the art of war. It was his hunger for learning and mastering this art form, that he pushed his limits. He was considered a prodigy during his time in the academy, he didn't merely join his country's navy out of sheer patriotism. As much as selfish as it sounds the truth was, he loved war.

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