Chapter Twenty One

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James Madison appears in this chapter even though I forgot to add him in last time. Let's just say that Thomas called his best friend for help and James met the others outside when he arrived.

Thomas sat with Alex curled up in his arms. He felt slightly heavier than usual but Thomas just played it off as a part of his imagination. Alex had cried a little when he had first shown up, but other than that he seemed to be fine. 

'Alex', meanwhile, was fed up. He wasn't really Alex (shock horror disaster) but he had to make every one of his little brother's friends believe that he was, otherwise his plan wouldn't work. 

Thomas felt Alex pull away from him a little and sit up on his bed next to him. "I'm really sorry," he apologised, sniffing and rubbing his eyes. 

Thomas instantly rushed to reassure him. "Lex, it's fine, really. I'm your boyfriend, it's only natural that you would want to come here. Or go to your sisters. Really, you being here is fine," he said, rubbing Alex's back gently. 

Now, Thomas wasn't stupid. In fact, he was just as smart as Alexander, he just used his brains in different ways. So, being as smart as he was, he knew that Alex flinched away from him when he tried to comfort him. 

Thomas being the caring person he was, instantly withdrew his hand, slightly hurt but respecting that Alex didn't want him touching him at the moment. 

James (At the moment I mean Hamilton but I'll start calling him 'Alex' when James Madison comes into the chapter) struggled at conceal a smirk as he pulled away from Thomas completely, cutting off all contact with him. 

It was easy to tell that 'Alex's' behaviour was confusing him and that was exactly what James was aiming for. 

Thomas tried to ask him what was wrong. "Alexander? Is something wrong? Did I do something?" he asked, desperate to get his boyfriend back to the warm, cuddly hooman he normally was. 

'Alex' spat, "Of course there's something wrong. My brother's being a little jerk and no one's actually doing anything to help."

Thomas was, naturally, offended. "Alex, everyone's doing as much as they can! It's not like we can, I don't know, kill him for you!" he argued. 

'Alex' inwardly smirked and argued back, "Why not? Then he wouldn't be in the way anymore and I wouldn't be so paranoid!"

Thomas gaped at him. "Alex, murder is really fucking serious. We could get life imprisonment if we got caught," he said.

"Well, maybe that's what I want!" 'Alex' shouted. "Maybe I want you all out of my life!" Thomas blinked, tears coming to his eyes. 'Alex' watched triumphantly for a few seconds until...

An angry Jeggy burst through the door! "Alexander motherfucking Hamilton! A word please," Peggy sneered. John nodded behind her, his angry expression matching hers. 

"What the hell man? I thought we were friends. But apparently nooo, we're not. Your brother is the world's biggest asshole yet you run and complain to him about me? That's messed up man. All I've ever done is be there for you but I'm a stupid little follower? Yeah, no. That isn't what you were saying, umm, in evERY SINGLE MOTHER FUCKING SOCIAL SITUATION WE'VE EVER BEEN IN!" he yelled. 

Thomas looked slightly confused. "I'm slightly confused," he said. "What exactly did Alexander do?" John looked at him, revealing a massive amount of hurt in his eyes. 

"He fucking told his brother that I'd do anything Peggy does because I'm just a mindless follower," he said, angry tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Thomas frowned. 

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