Chapter Twenty Five

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Alex sat in his temporary bedroom at his ex boyfriend's house with his current boyfriend as they tried to think of things that didn't involve Alex's older brother who was pretending to Alex's boyfriend's boyfriend. (Hehe writing that was fun)

Eventually, Thomas gave up. "What are we supposed to do?" he asked, his voice just a whisper. "We can't do this forever, that's for sure. I just want your stupid brother gone, is that so much to ask?"

Alex sighed and leaned into his side. "Look, I don't know what to do. I understand that you're frustrated, but what can we do? He won't give up until everyone hates me and..."

"Yeah, I'm frustrated but it's more than that. I have to pretend that I love him and I don't. I love you and I hate him. I just want this to go back to normal," Thomas groaned.

Alex looked at him sharply. "Honestly, you don't have it so bad. At least you can live with your family, and they know that they can trust you and you don't have to sneak around behind everyone's backs. I have literally nothing anymore. I have you and that's pretty much it and all you do when we're together is complain about my brother," he said.

Thomas frowned. "Well, I'm sorry that this situation is annoying me. I understand that this is pretty big for you but I'm here. I'm sorry that I'm pissed off at James but if you need me for anything, I'll do it. I love you and I want to help you as much as I can until this all goes back to normal," he said softly, taking Alex's hands and kissing them.

Alex sighed. "I'm sorry that I'm taking out my anger on you. I just want to go home and have my sisters hug me and sleep in my own bed for once. I wish he wasn't around to ruin everything like this but he is and until he's gone I'm stuck in this miserable half life."

Thomas kissed his forehead gently. "I know," he soothed. "I know."

Alex sniffed, trying not to appear weak in front of Thomas. "Why did he have to show up now? Life was perfect, I had you, my sisters were all happy, everyone was getting along for once. Then he happened and everything went to shit," he said.

Thomas rubbed his back soothingly. "I know that this is a crappy situation but at least we still have each other and isn't that enough?" he asked anxiously.

Alex nodded and pressed into his chest, causing a weight to lift off of Thomas. "Look, Lex, I promise that we'll get through this. I can't promise that it'll all be alright, because there's no perfect solution, but you'll do what you do best, survive. And that'd be enough. We can rebuild relationships but we can't rebuild you. You'll get through this with our help," he promised.

Alexander smiled. "I know," he muttered. Thomas lifted his head up and pecked his lips gently, sparking a fire in his small boyfriend. Alex dragged the older boys face down to his and kissed him with a reckless abandon that surprised Thomas.

He pulled away from Alex who was panting slightly. Alex's face immediately dropped worriedly. "Oh my gosh are you okay? I shouldn't have done that without warning you first, I'm so sorry!" he cried, hurriedly checking Thomas all over his body to make sure he wasn't hurt.

Thomas just laughed and lifted Alexander's face to his and resumed their very short makeout session. Alex melted into his lips immediately and the two kissed fiercely for far too long. They only broke apart because there was a harsh, forced cough from the doorway.

The two looked over and saw James and Eliza waiting by the door. James had a light pink blush spread across his face while Eliza just looked irritated. "Lovely as that was," she snapped, "It was also a little inappropriate considering that we're trying to save Alex's life."

The two looked slightly embarrassed but didn't stop sneaking looks at each other. Eliza snapped her fingers in between their faces. "You guys! I have an idea on how we can possibly get rid of James!" she yelled, instantly getting their attention.

James stepped forward and sat on Alex's temporary bed next to Thomas. "We need both of your attention so do you mind if I sit in between you guys?" he asked quietly. Alex immediately scooted over a few inches so that there was space for James. "Here," he said, his attention on Eliza. "What's your idea?" he asked.

Eliza took a deep breath and looked worriedly at the three sitting on the bed. "Well, I don't think you're going to like it," she said nervously. Alexander's eyes narrowed but he nodded for her to continue.

She took in another gulp of air before saying, "We need to tell everyone that you're the real Alex." Immediately, Thomas and James erruptted in arguments.

"What? Eliza, you can't be serious! They hate Lexi!"

"We can't do that! Peggy will be so upset!"

Eliza tried to speak but the two just continued to yell over her. Alex put a hand up and Thomas and James quietened down. Eliza shot her brother a greatful look and continued talking. "Look, James already knows that Alex told John. He'll come after everyone else in our friend group and they'll know anyway. Don't you think they'd rather hear it from us?" she asked.

Alex stood up next to her. "She's right you guys. I'm not looking forward to the fallout, but they deserve to know." He turned to Eliza. "I assume that when you say "everyone" you mean everyone including the ones that haven't been fully involved in this like Laf, Herc, Washington and all of Thomas's friends?" he checked. Eliza nodded.

"Well then, we'd better call a group meeting then," he said, forcing a smile on his face. Eliza nodded, already pulling her phone out, James mirroring her actions.

"I don't think this is a good idea but I trust you Alex," he said as he pressed the call button and walked out of the room. "Hey Ria. No, no nothing's wrong..." James's voice faded until the three could no longer hear him. Eliza started a group call with everyone else except Fake Alex.

"Yeah, hey Laf. Wait, no, don't hang up! I promise this is important," she said, walking out of the room to give the couple some time alone.

Thomas glanced at Alex who had slumped back onto his bed, head in his hands. "Hey," he said softly. "You alright?" Alex lifted his head slightly.

"Just apprehensive. I don't know how they'll react to me and that scares me," he replied honestly. Thomas scooted over to him.

"Alex," he started. "Alex, they'll be fine. If they're not, then the plan will have to work without them. Not that we know what the plan is," he finished in a mutter. Alex leaned into his side.

"I know but it's been so long. They'll have to wonder why I didn't tell them sooner. I don't want them to hate me," he said, a choked sob escaping him as he broke down. Thomas pulled him close and let him cry.

By the time Alex calmed down, Eliza and James were done their calls. When Eliza saw the couple leave the bedroom and the state of Alex, she asked quietly, "Are you ready?" Alex nodded, a quiet determination growing inside him.

"Yeah, let's do this."

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