Chapter Eight

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When James and Thomas arrived at James's house, his parents welcomed them both warmly. It was pretty normal for Thomas to come home with James and stay the night with no warning at all. When they had finished a 'family' dinner, Thomas's phone rang. 

"Hey Dad- wait, why are you calling me?" he spat into his phone. James grabbed his best friend's arm and pulled him out of the room, smiling nervously at his parents. 

"Thanks for dinner!" he shouted as he slammed the door. Thomas had started hyperventilating. "Give me the phone Tommy," James pleaded. "Let me speak to him." 

It didn't take very much persuasion for Thomas to hand his phone over. "Hello? James? Ah, good you're there. I want to ask you a favour. Please never contact Thomas again. 'Or what?' Or I swear to God I will set all of our friends on you and you have no idea how outnumbered you would be then. Will that be all? Good. Goodbye and good riddance." 

With that, James dramatically hung up. Thomas looked at his friend in disbelief. "H-how did you stand up to him like that? You're usually so quiet and James is really intimidating and-" 

James put a finger to Thomas's lips. "Shh. I just spoke my mind. And I meant what I said. I would set Alex on him for you. You're my best friend Thomas. I don't want you getting hurt anymore," he told him. 

"Come on. Let's head upstairs. It's been a long day." Thomas nodded and followed James up to his room. The two relaxed for a while, just laughing and joking the way that friends do. Then James brought up the subject of Thomas's new ex. 

"Soo, how are you feeling? After that whole thing with James earlier?" he asked cautiously. Thomas froze. 

"I, um, well... honestly, I don't know. Part of me is extremely happy because, well, you know. But the part of me that still loved him, it hurts. I hate that part of me, I really do. But, I just can't control it," he explained jerkingly. 

James watched his best friend since diapers worriedly. "But how do you feel overall?" he pressed, desperate to know that Thomas was alright. 

Thomas grinned. "Honestly? I've never been happier. I just feel so relieved that he's gone. And I know that I'll still have to see him at school and stuff but I don't have to worry about that right now. He doesn't have a hold over me anymore and that feels flippin' fantastic." 

James smiled back at him. "So own it. Why try to mope over him when you could be-"

"Throwing a massive party!" Thomas broke in.

James frowned and mumbled, "I was gonna say 'staying up all night to play video games' but-"

"No, I mean, look who's throwing a massive party! George! We should totally go and take our minds off everything that happened today!" 

James looked nervous and started protesting, "But Tommy you know that I get really nervous at large events! I couldn't go to a party that big. You know I couldn't! Please try to be reasonable. Can't we just take a break tonight?" Thomas sighed and rubbed his hand over his face slowly. 

He mumbled, "You're right, you're right. I'm being stupid. We should just, I dunno, get some slushies from 7/11 and eat chocolate and talk about boys." James laughed as Thomas's face lit up at his idea. 

"Yeah, let's do that. I can put something on Netflix and we can binge watch?" Thomas nodded, already jumping up from James's floor and grabbing his coat and shoes. 

"Well, come on! 7/11 isn't going to come to us!" The two boys rushed out the door, giving a rushed explanation to James's mother. She just smiled at them confusedly and let them go. 

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя