Chapter Forty-Four

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Thomas inhaled sharply. "That... wasn't what I was expecting," he said carefully. Martha just glared at him. 

"Answer my damn question, Thomas," she groaned. "Are you cheating on Alexander?" Thomas looked into his sister's eyes.

He laughed disbelievingly. "First off, I didn't know you cared," he teased, only darkening her eyes further. "Secondly, I adore Alexander, and would never cheat on him. Thirdly, I'm disappointed you think that lowly of me." All signs of mirth were gone from his voice.

Martha swallowed and stood her ground. "So you haven't been sleeping with that other guy you brought here today? You don't have feelings for him?" she challenged.

Thomas smiled charmingly. "His name is John, and would you please define sleeping with?" he instructed, going to her desk and lounging on her chair. 

Martha sent him a look of disbelief. "You know what sleeping with someone is," she hissed. "Have you or haven't you had sex with John?" She spat out the name like it was poison.

Thomas smiled victoriously. "Now we're getting somewhere! No, I haven't had sex with John, I haven't even had sex with Alexander," he told her.

Martha just raised an eyebrow. "You didn't answer my other question," she pointed out.

Thomas leaned forward onto his elbows. "That is because, my dearest, most darling sister, I don't weigh sex and feelings into the same boat. As is proven with my relationship with Alex," he replied, spinning.

Martha sent him a glare. "Can you please take this seriously?" she snapped and Thomas faced her with an easy smirk.

"Why would I face such ridiculous allegations seriously?" he questioned. "But if you insist, I have feelings for Alex, and I also have feelings for John. I won't bring their feelings into this because you decided to question me. If you have any further questions or concerns, please bring them up with my partner."

Martha glared at him. "You'd make a great lawyer someday," a voice from the doorway said. The siblings looked up to see both Alex and John standing there, amused. "If you ever need connections, I'm happy to offer my dad's services."

Thomas snorted and grinned at John. "Thank you ever so kindly, sir. Law is one of many areas I am interested in pursuing as a career, so your father's help in the cutthroat world of law would be much appreciated if that's where I end up," he said teasingly.

John just rolled his eyes. Alex nudged his side playfully. "So, John, you trying to take my man?" he asked playfully.

John, thankfully, played along and held a hand to his heart dramatically. "Oh no, you have discovered my ulterior motive! However shall I survive?" he declared, swaying into the doorframe. He'd never been the best actor though, and gave up, snorting with laughter.

Alex sent him an affectionate look. "Dork," he teased. Martha looked really confused.

"What the hell am I missing here?" she asked. Alex walked to her and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, you see, last night, John confessed that he has feelings for both me and Thomas. Naturally, it was while Thomas was unconscious after being almost hit by Laf and Herc because John's bad with feelings and ran when things got too much. Thomas is fine, though. He's just weak," he teased.

"Anyway, when Thomas came around and we caught him up to everything, he confessed that he was starting to fall for John, which made both of us-" Alex gestured between himself and John "-panic a bit. So me and Thomas talked about it, and we concluded that any decision we make at present doesn't have to be permanent.

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficWhere stories live. Discover now