Chapter Fifty Nine

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The trio went back down to Thomas's garden after a power nap together and spent the rest of the day with their collective siblings. Thomas's sister Mary even made an appearance, much to Thomas's displeasure.

Alex also seemed uncomfortable with her being there and John wrapped a protective arm around his boyfriend, glaring at the elder Jefferson sister whenever she tried to come over to him.

Alex seemed grateful for John's protectiveness and cowered behind him.

All too soon, Henry, Philip, and Peter turned up at the Jefferson residence. Henry and Philip collected their respective kids and John went home with a small smile on his face.

Junior poked his arm with a smirk. "You have a dopey look on your face," he teased. "Thinking about a girl?"

Hiding his discomfort, John forced a nod. "Yep, just thinking about my partner," he joked back, jostling his brother with his shoulder.

Junior groaned. "Eww, you're all lovesick, it's gross," he complained. "And you-" he pointed at Martha accusingly "-aren't much better! Looking all dumb like John."

Martha flushed, obviously not expecting to be targeted. "I am certainly not interested in any boys," she told her brother haughtily.

"What about girls?" Junior asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Before Martha could answer, Henry, cleared his throat from the driver's seat. "So, how was y'all's day?" he asked, hoping to distract them from the topic of homosexuality, for the pure reason that that wasn't a conversation he wanted to have with his youngest daughter.

Mary piped up instantly, babbling about her new friends, Anna, Randolph, Cathy, and Corn. "The girls are so pretty," she chirped. "Anna said she wanted to marry them but she couldn't because she was gonna marry Randolph, so she made me promise to marry them instead!"

Henry smiled gently. "So, you're going to marry Cathy and Cornelia?" he asked. Mary nodded happily, sinking back into her car seat. "How about you Junior?" he asked his namesake.

Junior shrugged. "The only other boy that was even slightly close to my age was John Schuyler, so we sat under the tree in Thomas's back yard and played games on our phones," he said reluctantly.

"Sounds like you had a good time then," Henry tried. "What about you Marty?"

Martha lit up. "There was another girl called Martha! She's the same age as me and she's Thomas's sister and oh my gosh she's so nice. She's stressed about the tests she's got coming up soon in school, but she seems smart so really she has nothing to worry about... "

John let his sister's voice fade into the background as he stated out of the car window, happy that he and his boyfriends were okay.

When they pulled up at the house, John got out and went straight to his room. He respectfully touched the photograph of his mom and Jemmy that hung next to his door and opened up the group chat between his boyfriends and him.

The trio texted for a bit and then Alex had to go for dinner and said he was gonna do some work for a bit after that, so he left.

Then Thomas said that he had to go for a shower to wash and detangle his hair and wouldn't be able to text until tomorrow.

So John was left alone with his thoughts. Being away from his boyfriends while knowing they were together was doing things to his anxiety and he started thinking about how they were gonna get bored of him.

John checked the time desperately. It was only 8 pm. He texted Peggy, asking if he could come over. She told him he could.

John drove carefully, despite wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball in his best friend's arms and cry for a bit.

Peggy must have been looking out for his car because when he got to the door it opened and Peggy pulled him inside. "Quick," she hissed. "Since it was me you asked to come over I'm assuming you don't want to see Alex and Thomas for some reason but they heard the door so you need to hide in the kitchen."

John went to the kitchen. He heard Alex's footsteps on the stairs and he asked, "Who was it?"

"No one," Peggy lied. "I thought I heard someone knock on the door but it must have been my imagination."

There was a pause. Then Alex said, "Okay then. Well, I'm gonna go get coffee."

"No! You can't go in there!" John could see Peggy blocking the door.

Alex groaned and dropped his head against the wood of the doorframe. "Peggy, please let me go get coffee," he requested tiredly.

John poked his head around Peggy sheepishly, waving at Alex. "Hi," he said awkwardly.

Alex blinked. "On second thoughts, I'm seeing things so I might just need sleep," he got out.

"Not seeing things," John told him uncomfortably. "I'm really here."

Brow furrowing, Alex said, "What? No I mean I'm literary seeing Christmas lights. I know you're here." He collapsed.

John froze for a moment, staring at him. Then he yelled, "Thomas!"

Footsteps pounded down the stairs and Thomas appeared, a comb in his hand and conditioner all through his hair. "What?" he asked irritably. "I already told you I was going to detangle my hair tonight."

His eyes dragged to John and widened. "Oh," he said quietly. "Hi. Please pretend you never saw me like this. I look awful."

John cooed. "Nah, you look cute," he assured him. "Also, Alex passed out."

Thomas blinked at him before looking down at the floor. "For fucks sake," he cursed. "I'll take him to our room, but then I'm going back to detangle my hair so gimme a kiss now so I don't miss you."

John pecked his tallest boyfriend's cheek and watched as he picked up their other boyfriend and walked away.

Peggy laughed, leaning against John. "Your boyfriends are quite something," she giggled.

"That they certainly are," John agreed, his hands automatically going to her hair and playing with it. "Can we go to your room?"

Peggy nodded and took her ex's hand. She led him to her bedroom and sat down on her bed. "Now," she said firmly, turning to face him. "What's wrong?"

John fidgeted with his hands. "Nothing's wrong, per se, I just need a hug?" he tried, his voice breaking.

Tutting, Peggy opened her arms and John crawled into them. He sniffed and Peggy rocked back and forth with him in her lap. "It's okay," she hummed. "It's okay."

After a while, John's tears ebbed away and he pulled back to wipe his nose on his sleeve. "I'm fine now," he told her. "But can I stay here for the night? With you?"

Peggy nodded, her face soft. "Of course you can John," she replied gently.

He smiled at her weakly and she slid under the covers. John curled up into her side and the pair fell asleep.


One more chapter and then it's sequel time! I'm ready to move onto the sequel and while I don't actually have a plan for a satisfying ending for this book (well actually the ending has already been written, I just need to write the lead up to that), I hope that it makes you want to read on to the next book with me.

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficWhere stories live. Discover now