Chapter Twenty

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~Two Weeks Later (in the living room stressing)~

Alex was the happiest he had been in a long time. He had his perfect boyfriend, his sisters were being less annoying than usual, his friends were all cheerful and his brother had stopped trying to convince him to move to Florida.

Things couldn't have been better. He was sitting in Eliza's room with the Schuyler sisters , the three laughing and joking when their father brought Alex a letter.

Curious, Alex opened it and read through the contents.

Slow motion. That was how the world started to move. In slow motion.

Alex dropped the letter and ran out of the house in tears. The Schuylers exchanged worried glances before Peggy reached for the piece of paper lying on the floor.

"Peggy," Angelica scolded. "It's Alexander's private letter, we can't just read it."

Peggy shot her eldest sister a glare. "Do you want to know what upset Alex and therefore avoid triggering him when he comes back or not? Because if you don't want to help him, then you're free to go," she spat, already scanning over the contents of the letter.

She gasped, her hand that wasn't holding the paper flying up to her mouth. "Oh my god," she said, re-reading it.

Eliza, worried, scooted over next to Peggy and read over her shoulder, much to Angelica's disgust.

After reading the horrifying lines, even the placid and calm Eliza gasped. "How could this happen? How did he even know where Alex lived?" she asked, her eyes shooting to Peggy's.

Peggy shrugged already calling her boyfriend. "Hey Pegs," John's cheerful voice said through the phone. "What's up?"

Peggy's voice was terse as she simply said, "Come over. Bring Laf and Herc." Then she hung up, leaving John confused.

Angelica impatiently asked, "Why are John and Laf and Herc coming over? What's in that letter?"

Peggy shot her a look. "John, Lafayette and Hercules are coming over because when Alex gets back he's going to need his best friends and I thought you thought that we shouldn't know what's in the letter," she finished accusingly.

Angelica groaned and lunged over the middle Schuyler to grab the letter out of Peggy's hand. She only read the first couple of lines before looking up at her sisters, wide eyed.

"Keep reading," Eliza said grimly. Angelica finished the letter with tears running down her face.

"Poor Alex," she choked out. The three Schuylers shared a quick hug. "How could this happen?" she asked the same question as Eliza.

Peggy just shrugged and phoned Thomas. He answered immediately. "Peggy what's wrong?" he asked.

Peggy grimly explained the events up until she called him. He didn't say anything and just listened in disbelief.

"So you think that Alex might be coming here?" he asked, movement coming from his end of the phone.

"Yeah. I mean, you're his boyfriend, I'd assume that he'd go to you when he was upset," she said. Before Thomas could answer, John, Herc and Laf burst into the room.

"I came as soon as I could Pegs and your dad told us that you were all in here. What's wrong?" he asked between pants.

Peggy's entire body relaxed a little at the sight of her boyfriend. She wordlessly handed the phone to Eliza who continued the conversation effortlessly.

Moments after Peggy filled the three boys in on the situation, Eliza finished up with Thomas, saying, "So you'll call us if he shows up? Great thanks Thomas."

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficWhere stories live. Discover now