Chapter Forty Five

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Thomas watched as his boyfriend played with his three youngest siblings, smiling at the sight of Alex pinned under three humans who weighed more than him individually. (Alex needs more food, he l i g h t)

Meanwhile, John was sitting in the shade of a tree, Lizzy's head in his lap as he braided her hair. Martha was talking a million miles an hour at him, but he didn't seem to mind. He caught Thomas staring and smiled at him, waving a little.

Martha caught the gesture and smirked. She said something and John turned red. He shot something back and she flushed too. Thomas was so caught up in staring at John, that he didn't notice Randolph appear until he climbed into his lap.

"Hey buddy, is everything okay?" Thomas checked worriedly. Randolph shrugged and put his thumb in his mouth. Thomas was tempted to coax it out but decided against it.

"You wanna talk about it?" he asked gently. Randolph shook his head and rested against Thomas's chest. "Randy, are the others being mean to you?"

Randy hesitated before shaking his head that time. Thomas sighed and wrapped his arms around his brother. "Is it Lucy?" he asked. Randolph's headshake was a firm one. "Alex?"

"No, mister Alex is nice," Randy spoke for the first time, his words muffled by his thumb.

"Does that mean that it's Anna that isn't being nice to you?" he asked. Anna didn't seem to have noticed that her twin was missing yet, Thomas noted. Alex looked over at him questioningly, but Thomas just shrugged.

Randy tugged his sleeve. "Tommy, gotta pee," he told his brother. "Come with?"

Thomas felt his heart melt for him and nodded. "You gonna walk, or you want me to carry you?" he asked. Randy squirmed.

"You're faster," was his simple reply, and Thomas immediately started walking to the bathroom. When Randy was seated on the toilet and peeing quite comfortably, Anna noticed his absence and started screaming.

Randolph wriggled and looked at the ground. "Don't like it when she screams," he muttered. Thomas hummed sympathetically.

"Is it too noisy? Is that why you don't like it?" he asked. Randy nodded and clamped his hands over his ears as Anna's screams got louder. "Do you want me to make her stop?" Thomas asked, and Randy looked torn.

"Don't want you to go," he mumbled. Thomas nodded.

Randolph seemed finished, but Thomas knew from experience to check. "You all done?" he asked and Randy nodded. "Then toilet paper," he instructed; Randy following his instructions. He helped his little brother off the seat and flushed. "Wash your hands," he said, lifting Randolph so he could reach the sink.

Randy washed and dried his hands, and Thomas scooped him back up into his arms. "You want me to cover your ears while we go out?" he asked. Randolph put his own hands over his ears and nodded.

Thomas obeyed, supporting him with one hand while the other pressed against his ear, forcing the other ear into his shoulder. Then he walked back out to the garden. Anna stopped screaming the moment she saw Randolph and Thomas. Alex looked highly relieved.

John, Martha and Lizzy hadn't moved from under the tree, but they were watching, all three of them tense. "Anna, we're going to have a serious talk later with Dad and Jane about how it's not okay to scream when you don't get what you want. You're six and you're starting school after summer break (they're currently on summer break, they started the day of the storm, real-time is not applied to this fanfiction don't sue) 1st graders don't scream when something doesn't go their way, and neither will you," Thomas scolded.

Anna glared at him, and said, "You're not the boss of me. You took my brother away." Randolph pressed against Thomas's legs when Anna held out a hand with a glare that told him to get on her side fast.

Thomas gently stroked Randolph's hair. "Anna, Randolph doesn't like it when you scream either," he tried, but Anna just glared.

"Yes he does, he loves it. See?" she screamed to prove her point, all the while staring at her twin. Randolph in the meantime flinched so violently he fell over and started scrabbling at Thomas for the older boy to pick him up. Thomas obliged, holding the small human close to his chest while glaring at Anna.

"Stop it, Anna," he instructed, but she kept screaming until her face was purple. Thomas could feel Randy trembling and his tears wet Thomas's neck. "Anna, stop," he said firmly.

She looked him dead in the eye, stopped, took a deep breath, and started all over again. By this time, John was curled up in a ball with Alex and Lizzy kneeling next to him, holding his hand while Martha fluttered about like a nervous butterfly, Lucy following her like in a trance.

Jane finally came out of the house, flanked by Peter Jefferson, and roared, "What the bloody hell is going on out here?!" Anna stopped screaming, John whimpered and tightened his hands over his ears, Randy yelped and Thomas jumped out his skin.

Jane rounded on Anna first. "Why were you screaming, hm? Why would you keep screaming like that when you could see it was affecting so many people?" she demanded. "I mean, look at your twin." 

Anna glared at Randolph a bit. "He was being a whiny li'l bitch," she said petulantly. Jane looked like she could slap her sister. Randolph buried his face deeper into Thomas's shoulder, and Thomas rubbed his back.

Suddenly Jane turned on Thomas. "And you!" she cried. "You're meant to be the responsible one. Why didn't you make her stop?!" 

Thomas blinked back sudden tears, and Alex left John in Lizzy's capable hands and zoomed to his side. "It wasn't Thomas's fault, I was watching Anna and Lucy while he took Randolph to the bathroom," he defended.

Jane scoffed, "Like that's any better. Thomas, your boyfriend isn't part of this family, he had barely even met your sisters and brother, why did you think leaving him alone with them would be a good idea?"

Thomas didn't even have a reply, he just hung his head while Jane lay into him for things that weren't his fault. Peter stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, silencing her. 

"Thomas, Alex, John, I think maybe you three should go home. Alex, your father will be worried and we all need to calm down a bit. Maybe you could come back tomorrow?" he suggested. 

Alex agreed quickly, wanting to get John away before anyone started shouting or screaming again. John was still too upset to make any decisions, so Alex made one for him. "Thomas? You coming?" he asked, as the two started to leave.

Thomas hesitated, looking down at Randolph, who stared back with big, watery, pleading eyes. Then he looked at Alex and John, the latter of which wasn't even able to face him. Thomas's father sighed.

"Tom, give Randy here, I'll look after him," Lizzy offered, appearing at his side. Randolph hesitated before holding out his arms for Lizzy. Thomas handed his brother over carefully and Lizzy cradled him.

He glanced back at John and Alex one more time, before saying, "I'll come back tomorrow if I can." Lizzy nodded and sent him a smile. Martha waved goodbye at him and he ran to catch up with the two boys he loved. 

"Home?" John asked quietly and Thomas nodded at Alex. John rested against the younger boy's side with a sigh. Thomas gently stroked John's hair and exhaled heavily. 

Alex looked up at Thomas with heartbreak in his eyes. "Home," he replied in a gentle tone. John closed his eyes and Thomas lifted him onto his back. 

"Let's go home darlin'," he said gently, turning to press a kiss to John's forehead and then to Alex's.

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat