Chapter Fifty Four

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James, Michael, Alex, Thomas, and John all met up for their double date on a Tuesday. A wet Tuesday. Of course, because it was New York and the middle of summer it was still hot, but it rained. 

The five of them met up in a coffee shop not far from the school, the same coffee shop Alex and Thomas went to on their first not-date. "Hey guys," James greeted his friends, sliding into the booth across from them. He shook off his umbrella, apologizing for being late.

Thomas waved it off with an easy smile, happy to see his best friend again. James' eyes slid across the trio and his eyebrows went up as he saw John. "When I said we should go on a double date, I didn't think Peggy and John would be joining us," he said in surprise.

John cleared his throat awkwardly and looked at the ground. Alex sent Thomas a glare. "You didn't tell him?" he hissed. Thomas shrugged sheepishly and Alex huffed out a breath. 

He turned to James and said, "Okay, Jamie, I'm going to need you to keep an open mind. Can you do that?" James nodded with wide eyes. "John is part of Thomas and I's relationship now."

James' jaw dropped and he stared at the three of them. "Oh my god, now I owe Peggy twenty dollars," he groaned. 

John and Thomas started laughing. "How many of you guys bet on us?" Alex whined. James joined in the laughter.

"Literally all of us. Peggy just won a fuck-ton of money though," he admitted. "She was the only one who had confidence that you three would get together." 

John rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face. "I don't know how she expected me to be smooth enough to catch them, but thanks for having faith in me Pegleg," he teased.

Peggy's head popped up from behind them. "No problem," she replied cheerfully. "If you want I'll split the money with you, seeing as you gave me inside information," she offered. 

John grinned widely. "I'd love to," he responded eagerly. "Pay up James." 

James laughed as he handed over two tens. "There," he announced. Peggy grinned, throwing a note at John and then speed-running out of the cafe.

Michael appeared not long after, slipping in next to James. "Hi," he greeted them shyly. "I'm Michael, and I've met you all before but it's been a while."

John fell in love with this small, awkward college kid. "We're adopting you," he said at the same time as Peggy, who had reappeared due to the rain.

Michael blushed and leaned into James. Alex pushed his boyfriend and introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Alexander, but my friends call me Alex," he introduced himself. 

Thomas waved awkwardly. "I'm Thomas," he mumbled before sinking back into the booth, flushing furiously. 

John rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on Thomas's cheek. "I'm John," he grinned. "That's Peggy. She's my ex. I love her so much."

"Aww, I love you too babe," Peggy joked. John slid further into Thomas and offered her a seat. "Guess I'm just joining y'all then."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Nah, you are not staying here. You can stay 'til the rain's gone off, but then you're going home," he ordered. Peggy stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're no fun," she pouted playfully. John wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. 

James cleared his throat. "So, how have y'all been since we last met?" he asked, thinking that would be cheerful enough.

John went silent and bit his lip. Alex answered for him. "It's been kinda hard for John," he explained. James frowned but accepted the answer.

"What about you three?" Michael prompted, not liking seeing his boyfriend frown. Alex and Thomas exchanged a look. John rolled his eyes.

He groaned, "You guys don't have to say it was awful out of solidarity! You guys can just say how it was. Apart from my mom's funeral the past couple of weeks have been awesome."

Alex nodded slowly. "Yeah, it has been quite good. There have been high points and low points," he agreed. Thomas nodded.

Peggy stood up. "Well, the rain's stopped so I'm gonna go home. Bye James, Michael, it was nice to see you. I'll see you three when you come home," she waved.

John smiled at her and Alex and Thomas both nodded farewell. Once Peggy was gone, James pounced on them. "You three are living together?" he squeaked. 

John nodded bashfully. "After my mom died, I didn't really wanna go home and see all the memories so the Schuylers let me stay with them," he explained.

Thomas added, "And my mom left so I was staying with Alex to take a bit of a break from my siblings." James laughed quietly.

Michael smiled at the three. "So you guys are together?" he checked. When they nodded, his smile widened. "You're really cute."

The trio grinned, Thomas blushing like mad as John kissed his cheek and rested his head on his shoulder. James cooed over them.

Suddenly he stood up, grabbing Michael's hand. "Well, as lovely as this has been, I just remember that Michael and I have to go do something so we're gonna leave you lovebirds alone, bye," he dragged out the "e" as he walked away.

Alex, Thomas, and John just sort of blinked after them. "Well, that was weird," John commented, sipping his smoothie.

Thomas hummed his agreement. "However, now it's just the three of us," he said. "Well, the three of us and a cafe full of people." 

Alex downed the rest of his coffee and then asked, "You guys wanna head out?" His boyfriends nodded. "Let's go."

The trio walked out to a nearby park and went to the playpark. They sat down on the swings, Alex claiming Thomas's lap as his seat. John looked over at them lovingly. 

A small child ran past them and Alex glared at it. (Alex totally not being based off my gf) "I hate small children," he complained. 

Thomas raised an eyebrow. "That's not what you were saying when you met Anna and Randolph," he pointed out.

Alex huffed. "I hate small children when they're in places they shouldn't be," he amended. 

John stifled a laugh. "This is a children's playpark," he told him. Alex grumped at him. (John totally not being based off of me)

Thomas rested his chin on Alex's shoulder. "Ahh, I don't know," he admitted. "I'm kinda immune to young kids. Having five younger siblings does that to you I guess."

John nodded in agreement, spinning his swing round slightly and almost falling off. Alex snorted and Thomas looked concerned. John sat back up, blushing madly. "I'm okay," he told them awkwardly.

Thomas laughed with Alex and John almost felt happy that he almost died. There was nowhere he'd rather be in that moment.

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficWhere stories live. Discover now