Chapter Thirty Eight

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The first thing John was aware of when he woke up, was that his phone was ringing. The second thing was that he had a gremlin wrapped around his torso. A gremlin that was slowly coming to, grumbling about John's phone.

John apologised quietly to both Alex and Thomas and slipped out of their bed to answer it. "Hey, John Laurens speaking," he yawned into the speaker.

The next thing he heard made his heart stop and his phone nearly slipped from his fingers.

Alex was vaguely aware that John had slept with him and Thomas, but he was more concerned about the fact that he'd lost a warm body. He whined and snuggled on closer to Thomas.

Alex was just about to drop off when he heard the door open quickly and John race in, grabbing his charger and leaving again just as quick. Worried, Alex got up and followed him to the guest room John was meant to have stayed in.

John was kneeling over his backpack, shoving his charger in, and he pushed straight past Alex to go to the bathroom for his toothbrush.

Alex followed him again, and asked, "Where are you going?" John jumped at the sound of his voice and turned around slowly, shaking.

"Do you think Angie would let me borrow her car?" he asked, ignoring Alex's question. Alex frowned.

"It depends. If there's a good reason then she'll be fine with it for sure," he said thoughtfully. The second the words left Alex's mouth, John was pushing past him and barged into Angelica's room.

"I need to borrow your car," he announced. Angelica sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"John, what the fuck, it's six in the morning, you can't have my car," she muttered sleepily.

John cursed and hit the door with his fist. "Please, Angie, it's my mom," he begged. At his words, Angelica's face stiffened and she got up and started pulling out clothes.

"In that case, I'll take you myself," she told John seriously. He looked like he could start crying and collapsed against the doorframe.

"Thank you," he muttered before leaving so she could get dressed. Alex was really confused at this point.

"What's going on?" he demanded. John rubbed a hand over his face and looked at Alex dully.

"My mom's gone into hospital again, and this time my dad doesn't think she's coming out," he whispered. Alex heart broke for John.

"I'll wake Thomas up. There's no way we're letting you go through this alone. We're coming too," he told his best friend firmly, leaving no room in his voice for argument.

John looked like he could cry again. "Thanks," he murmured. Alex ran to his room and half-dragged Thomas out of his bed.

"Lex, I love you, but what the fuck?" Thomas asked tiredly. Alex through some clothes at him and Thomas automatically started pulling them on.

"We're going to the hospital with John and Angie, John's mom's been admitted again and Henry thinks it's gonna be the last time," he explained.

Thomas quickly pulled on his shoes and grabbed one of the various hoodies lying around the room. "Well then, let's go," he ordered.

John and Angelica were walking down the stairs when Alex and Thomas caught up with them. "We're coming too," Alex explained. Angelica just nodded and unlocked the car as they stepped outside.

John got in the back and Thomas and Alex squeezed in on either side of him. Angelica barely checked that they had their seat belts on before she was driving away from the house.

The situation finally caught up to John and he let out a sob (I shouldn't have laughed but it autocorrected to son and I-). Alex and Thomas both wrapped comforting arms around him and held him.

"I don't want her to die, Lex," John cried. "I don't want to lose her. She was the only person in my family that understood and once she's dead I'll be alone again."

Alex couldn't help but wonder what John's mom could have possibly understood that no one else in his family would, but decided not to question it.

Thomas started muttering into John's ear and Alex leaned his head against John's shoulder so that John could feel his weight and know he was there. Angelica looked back at the trio and her heart cracked.

She pulled into the hospital parking lot, and John had scrambled over the top of Thomas and was already running inside before she stopped the car properly.

Alex quickly followed and found John in the lobby pleading with the receptionist, who gave him the room number quickly and then John was gone. The receptionist told him sympathetically that only family members could see Eleanor, and he nodded and went to sit in the waiting area with Thomas and Angelica.

They waited for John for about an hour before he reappeared. Fresh tears marked his face, and he looked like he would be on the ground if it wasn't for his sister, Martha, holding him up. Alex opened his arms and John fell into them, sobbing into his shoulder.

Alex hushed him quietly under his breath, holding his closest friend close. Thomas walked forward and gently steered the two into one of the chairs.

Angelica excused herself quietly to make a phone call, probably to Peggy to tell her about Eleanor. John sniffed and Alex rubbed his back soothingly.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over the pair. "Get up," said a deep voice Alex recognised as belonging to Henry Laurens. (Hmm, to make Henry a dick or not to make Henry a dick, that is the question)

John followed his dad's instruction immediately, and Henry reached out a hand to grasp John's shoulder tightly. "It's going to be alright, Jack," Henry said, emotion thick in his voice. "It's going to be alright."

Something within him broke, and Alex watched as John's father pulled his son into an embrace, both men sobbing over the loss of Eleanor Laurens. Martha sniffed, and John's even younger sister, Mary, stepped towards her sister.

John's brother, Henry Jr., looked uncertain of what to do, so John held out an arm for him to join him and Henry's embrace, which he did pretty much instantly. Other families in the waiting room watched on sadly, knowing that they had lost someone.

Henry pulled away and wiped away his tears. "Are you going to come back to the house with us or do you want to go with your friends?" he asked gruffly. John just nodded in Alex and Thomas's direction, and Henry jerked his head in acknowledgement.

"Come on kids, let's go," he told the other Laurens children, and they followed their dad unquestioningly, clinging to one another.

John looked back at Alex and Thomas and asked, "Can we go home now?" Alex's heart broke at the pitiful question and he nodded, offering a hand for John to take.

Angelica walked back in, and it was obvious from her red eyes that she had cried a little too. Everyone in their not-so little friend group had adored Eleanor. She was like the mother that so many of them didn't have.

"Let's go, Angie," Alex muttered quietly, squeezing John's hand lightly. Angelica nodded and walked back out to the car, gripping her keys tightly.

The drive home was silent.


This entire chapter hurt to write, but it had to be done, I'm sorry.

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