I should be. I should be okay because you are here right now, talking to me and calling me by my English name. But I'm not. Not when someone's absence made you feel sad when you were left alone with me.

"Hmm, yeah. I'm good. I was just wondering if you're happy with the food." Jaehyun timidly answered while forcing a smile on his face.

Chaeyoung happily nodded her head in response.

"Yes, I am . . . totally. Now I understand why this restaurant is one of your favorites. Their food are delicious. Thanks for bringing me here."

"You're welcome. I'm glad to hear that." He said before slicing a small piece of salmon and feeding it to Chaeyoung. "Try this."

She looked surprised before slowly opening her mouth to receive the food from Jaehyun. She hummed in satisfaction while chewing the food in her mouth.

"I like this one too." She commented.

"Here, have some more." He said before adding more slices of salmon on her plate.

I see it now. He's still the same Jaehyun who takes care of me. But I don't understand. Is he doing all of these out of guilt? Or does he . . . Nope, he wouldn't have left me if that was the case.

Jaehyun tried to forget his worries as he smiled widely at Chaeyoung, flashing his dimples in the process.

He is still the same Jaehyun with those adorable dimples, how am I supposed to resist him now? Ugh!

"Rose . . . I mean, Chaeyoung, why is your face going red? You're not blushing, are you?"

"B-blushing? What? NO, I'm not." She blurted with one hand feeling the warmth on her face and the other one fanning it in front of her face. "Why would I be blushing? It's uh . . . the shrimp skillet. It's a bit too spicy for me."

"Oh! Is it?" Jaehyun wondered as he took a bite of the shrimp. "It's quite spicy but I like it as it is."

Chaeyoung gulped as she looked at the plate of shrimp. She actually liked it as much as he did but she needed to stick with her alibi.

She softly reasoned out, "Sorry, not for me."

"It's fine. You like the rest of the food, right?"

"Yes, I do." She eagerly answered as she continued eating and tried her best not to think about the shrimp anymore. "Let's finish all the food."

The rest of the dinner went well. Jaehyun and Chaeyoung even seemed to enjoy their time together as they began to talk casually with their bitter past left forgotten.

Jaehyun sent Chaeyoung home afterwards. He quickly got off the car and opened the door for her when they stopped in front of Chaeyoung's apartment building.

"Thank you for tonight, Jay."

"Hmm, you kept calling me by that name now. It makes me feel like calling you Rose again."

Chaeyoung shrugged, "It's fine, I guess. And we could be friends too."

Now that doesn't sound right. She's offering me the friendship card yet it doesn't feel that good, at all. But for her . . .

"O-of course. We should be friends. And I had a wonderful night as well. Thanks . . . Rose."

"I'll head inside now. Good night!"

"Good night Rose!"

... ... ... ... ...

As Chaeyoung was heading to her apartment, her thoughts were filled with her night with Jaehyun. To her surprise, she enjoyed their time together. So she hoped that her decision for them to be friends again was the right thing to do.

Someday Soon ¦ rosekookWhere stories live. Discover now