Chapter 9 - Bloody hell!

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Hi guys... It has been a while... BUT I'm ALIVE.

My life has been insane, I apologize. I've been reading all of your comments and you guys are really funny. Like some of you decided to have a full-on conversation in like chapter one? Lol

This chapter will take place after the previous chapter but it doesn't have anything to do with the court of owls, just a normal day in Wayne Manor. I hope you enjoy it!!!

When I opened my eyes, everything was dark. My eyelids, heavy, and my body felt like it was floating. Where was I? There was nothing around but dark emptiness.

"Cordelia come here," I turned to the voice and realized I was now in an office. In front of me was a woman, my mother, and a man I had never seen before. I noticed I had to incline my neck more than I usually do to look at them. I glanced down at my hands and they were smaller than I last recall them being.

"I need you to go with this man, his name is Joseph," she said, not even looking at me. Most of my memories of my mother are of me staring at the back of her head.

The man stayed quiet, I noticed he had a scar across his right eye and was wearing a suit. Aside from the scar, he looked like every other person I've seen work with my mother.

"Since you'll only get in the way I think it's best you live with your father, your real father."

"Wait--!" I reached my hand out but the scenery quickly changed. I was now in front of my old home in Miami. In front of me was my father watering the front yard and I could hear Jessica singing from inside the house. I felt a tug on the sleeve of my hoodie. I realized I was wearing the outfit I wore the day I met Bruce. I looked at the source of the tugging and it was a little tanned girl with curly hair. It was Loren, my 6-year old half-sister. She didn't look up at me but I could tell she was muttering something.

"" she mumbled but I did not understand.

"Loren, what did you say? I couldn't hear you." She tugged on my sleeve so hard I fell to my knees. She looks me in the eyes and the creepiest thing was that her eyes were black.

"Why, why DID YOU LEAVE?" I backed away, well crawled away. I then noticed that Jessica, Loren, and Dad were slowly walking towards me, their eyes also black and all yelling,


They got closer and I kept crawling away but they managed to grab my arms and legs. Then they pulled me under and I began to drown. I was now underwater. I tried swimming to the surface but once again they dragged me further down.





I woke up with a gasp and started coughing. I had the same dream two days in a row now. What is it supposed to mean? Why am I thinking of my past life now? There's no going back so why?

I looked over and the clock read 3:15 a.m. I stare at the roof. Now that I think about it, I got used to living here rather quickly. I would get lost in the manor the first few months but soon accommodated to living in the Wayne Manor. But why am I here? Was that portal that opened that day really just a coincidence? I got lucky that Bruce found me because if anyone ever heard me speak about me being from another earth they would stick me in a mental asylum. My eyes widened and I curled into a ball.

"Ugh, damn it...!" I muttered as I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. But it wasn't just my stomach that was hurting, my back and legs felt sore and heavy. I felt like I just ran a marathon and fell off a cliff. What is this pain? I stay like that for a few minutes but the pain did not go away. I proceed to roll on the bed until I roll off of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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