Chapter 4 - Keeping up with the Kents

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Location: Metropolis

Time: 12:03 p.m.


Cordelia POV



I bet you're all wondering what I'm doing in Metropolis, chasing Jonathan around with Kryptonite. You're probably thinking, "Wtf is this girl doing", but I'll have you know I have a very reasonable explanation for this: I'm bored. It's been about five months since I've been in this Universe and I've gotten pretty used to it. Sure, I still miss my family, but I've made a lot of friends. As for why I'm in Metropolis, staying at the Kent's home: Bruce is on a mission/investigation, meaning he's busy. He didn't want to leave me bored and by myself, so he sent me here on a mini-vacay. Or at least that's what I'm choosing to believe, that he didn't just send me here because he thinks I'm a hazard if I'm left by myself. I've only broken three lamps, two cups, and caused three things to catch fire in the passed week. That's a new record! I'm still confused as to how I caused a fire in the bathroom though.... Jeez no wonder my house insurance in my dimension was out the roof. The front door opens and in comes Clark in his reporter suit. "I'm home—ugh" he clutches his head, probably feeling the effect of the Kryptonite. Jon quickly hides behind him. "Dad, do something!" He clutches his father's shirt, not taking his eyes off me. Jon looked like a puppy, I almost felt bad.

"Cordelia put that down!" He stuck his arm out to shield his son. He even stood tall, playing strong, as if I didn't know how much the Kryptonite affected him.

I smiled and even laughed then looked him in the eye. "Run" I said before I started chasing after the both of them.

Two hours later...

Third person POV

It was now three in the afternoon and Louis had been left out from work early. After stopping by to pick up some coffee, she proceeded to drive home and hoped to type up a report on one of Superman's latest heroic deeds. She pulls up in the driveway of her home and finds her keys. Before she puts the key into the door, she hears some muffled screaming and the laugh of a young girl. "Shut up you imbeciles!" She hears, unsure if she even wants to know what's going on inside. She decides to go inside anyways and what she sees is something she'd never thought she'd see. She wasn't sure whether to be horrified or impressed. Before her stood both her super husband and child tied up to chairs. Both with apples shoved into their mouths. Cordelia was finishing up a knot on Clark when she notices Louis's presence.

"It's not what it looks like!" She puts her hands up.

Cordelia's POV

Shit I didn't think she'd be back so soon. I looked at both the panicked supers and wondered how I was going to explain this.

"I have a perfectly good explanation as to what's happening here." I look at the sketchy situation. 'Fuck'.

"We're playing superheroes!" She didn't seem convinced, but she didn't seem to care.

"That's cute, just clean up the mess when you're done. I'm going to go write an article!" She enters her room and shuts the door.

I lean into Superman's ear and whisper, "tell her what actually happened, and I'll lace both your meals with the green jewel. I know you can hear me too Jon!" Little Jon flinches. I untie both the supers.

"Clark you should really work on your fighting skills, you rely too much on your powers." I put the rope in my blue backpack. I look up at a shocked Superman. "You never know when you'll get an opponent that has access to your weakness, or maybe be as strong as you." I think back to the times I've watched Superman and the entire Justice League be defeated by Doomsday. I grab Jon's hand, I notice the fear in his eyes. "Come Jon, I shall show you the ways of harassing little kids, such as yourself, on club penguin!"

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