Chapter one- Meeting an overgrown man child

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Cordelia's POV
    I fell to the ground and scrapped my knee. "AHHH FU-fudge!" What just happened? I quickly got up and realized I wasn't in Miami anymore, or at least not any part that I recognized. The place looked foreign. "Where the hell am I?" I turned around and the white void was still there. I examined it. I looked through the void, and when I squinted my eyes, I could make out the dark alley I was in before. And in a blink of an eye, just like that, the void vanished.

Okay, now I'm officially screwed. Dad is going to kill me, no, even worse, if Jessica finds out that I snuck out again I'm dead, no, deader than dead, I'm GROUNDED. Oh no. No no no no no! Crap, I need to figure out a way home, NOW.

    As I made my way to the streets, it really started to dawn on me that I have no idea where the hell I am. The streets were empty, save for the few hookers here and there trying to catch a ride. Something about the place I was at was just off, like if it was more ominous than anywhere I've been before. I walked and walked and walked, but the more I walked the more helpless I felt. No matter how much I walked, nothing seemed familiar. I almost gave up and was going to look for a police station, when I heard someone yelp and scream for help. In that moment I forgot that I was lost and just ran towards the voice.

It led me to dark alley (go figure). What the heck is up with dark alleys? I keep ending up in them. Anyways, back to the yelping that has been reduced to almost nothing. Before me were two men holding up a teenage boy against a wall. The poor boy was beat up, almost unconscious. He turned to me with eyes pleading for help. Looking around I searched for something that I could use to aid me and conveniently laying around was a steel rod.

    I whistled and caught their attention. "HEY FAT FACE AND BROCOLLI HAIR, LEAVE THE KID ALONE!" The men turned to me and glared. "Kid, shouldn't you be at home playing with dolls or something?" The man with bad hair smirked.

    "Oh my god, you guys are uglier than I thought. Why don't you leave the kid alone and go work on your personalities since it's clear that your appearances will get you nowhere in life."

    It seemed like their only two brain cells snapped because they dropped the kid and charged at me. Perfect. One of them lunched a punched, which I blocked, and used the arm he used to punch to launch him forward, making him fall as I hit his head with the steel rod as hard as I could. I turned to the fat faced one and round-house kicked his face. I then kicked him in his stomach and as he was bent over, I grabbed his head and kneed his face. I then hit his head with the rod as well. I went over to the kid to make sure he was okay, but he was unconscious.

    "Those were some impressive moves" a deep voice said out of nowhere. I quickly got into a stance as I turned around to see who was there. It was a tall man dressed in all black wearing what seemed like a Batman costume. "Aren't you too young to be out on the streets by yourself?" he asked as he handcuffed the bad guys. "Well, aren't you too old to be wearing a Batman costume and going out at night and playing hero?" I sassed back. Even though he had a mask on, I could tell he was annoyed.

    He continued to tie up the bad guys and went to help the unconscious kid. "Hey don't ignore me! By the way, if you saw me earlier why didn't you help? If you're going to cosplay as Batman, at least play your part correctly!"

    That seemed to tick him off. "This isn't cosplay, I AM the Batman."

    "Yeah, right. If you're Batman, then where's your Robin? You actually expect me to believe you're Batman? AKA Bruce Wayne? The billionaire play bo-"  before I continued the world went dark.








    I groggily woke up. When did I fall asleep?  I couldn't see anything; it seems like someone put something over my head and I couldn't move my hands so they're probably tied up. "HELLO? Is anybody there? Have I been kidnapped again? Can whoever did this let me go, I have to go home before Jessica kills me for sneaking out again. That woman is SCARY when she's mad. She once made me hang out with the neighbor's kids as punishment. If it weren't for the parents being there I would have YEETED them at the wall. Wait have I been kidnapped by that overgrown child wearing a Batman costume? Look man I'm sorry for judging your hobbies but I think it's time you grow up-" at that moment, the bag over my head was pulled off and I realized I was in some sort of cave with a huge computer and some super cool decorations. Before me was the man child and a butler just staring at me. "WOW you even got yourself a butler? I'm impressed, you are one committed cosplayer." I smiled as I looked around. "Is this your 'batcave'? Damn, you almost make me want to believe you."

    "What do you know." He cut me off.

    "I know a lot of things, I also don't know a lot of things. You have to be more specific. Oh oh! Do you want to know about the time I set my classroom on fire with only a piece of gum? I'm not really sure how that was possible, but it happened. Mr. Reynolds was very mad about that afterwards. It was really funny!" I rambled. And they both looked at each other and signed.

    "That's not what I meant." The dark cloaked man said. He pulled back his mask and revealed a handsome man, probably in his late 30's. "How did you know that Batman is Bruce Wayne?"

    "Are you guys serious?" judging by their silence, I assume they are. "It's basic DC knowledge! Like for example: everyone knows that Superman is Clark Kent, or that Nightwing is Dick Grayson. If you don't know that then you're a failure of a DC fan!" this whole time I've been waving around my now free hands, that I somehow untied, for dramatic effect.

    Taken aback, 'Batman' proceeds to ask, "what is DC?"

    "Oh boy, where do I begin?"

~Time skip to after Cordelia explains what DC is~

    "So what you're saying is that we're fictional characters made for the purpose of entertainment?" The cool British dude said. Damn, I wish I had a British accent. If I had a British accent I would make sure I bring a China cup and some tea everywhere I go so I can judge people on their failures and sip tea while I'm at it.

    "Yes, but the Batfamily has always been my favorite. Although, it's very sad; it's like it's destined to be miserable. In the more recents comics it seems like the family is getting more edgy. But anyways, I'd like to make my way home. Can you tell me where I am? I don't recognize this part of Miami." I finished freeing myself while I was talking to them. By now I was looking around the cave. This very much resembled the batcave version in the movie Son of Batman, which I watched a while back. If what this man child claims is true, that he is Batman, I don't know what I'll do. I'm in denial. What was that white void? Can I even go back? Am I in Gotham city? If he says we're in Gotham, I'll believe him, if he says we're in Miami, then everything is perfect and I'll be on my way home.

    "We're not in Miami, we're in Gotham City." Man child— no Bruce said. He pulled up a map with our location and above the blue dot it read "Gotham City".


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