Chapter 6 - Surprise !

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Hey guys, sorry for the wait! I finally have the chapter done but I just want to let you know that comments and feedback is what keeps me going. If I don't know what you guys think then I don't know if you guys enjoyed the chapter. I think most of the chapters that I've uploaded were due to someone commenting something which got me motivated to finish the next chapter. So if you've enjoyed the story so far just let me know in the comments!

Cordelia's POV

"You actually expect me to believe you came from another Universe?"

I sighed. "Believe what you want babe, I'm going to go max out Bruce's credit cards." As I walked away, I was, once again, pulled back by the demon.

"How did you convince father to take you in? You can't really think I'll believe you."

"Damian." Bruce said is a warning tone.

"I don't get why it's so surprising to you, Bruce, after all, has a long history of randomly adopting orphans."

His scowl deepened and so did his grip on my wrist. Is this going to become a habit?

"Anyways, it's not like I can predict the future. I only know common DC knowledge and watched a few movies here and there. So If you think I can predict the next time you, I don't know, use the bathroom? You can rest assured I won't be suspecting it."

He let go of my wrist and walked away, picking up his sword on his way out.

"Don't mind him Cordelia, he's still not used to being acquainted with people." He sipped coffee from his mug, not looking away from the Batcomputer. Damn, what a daddy voice.

I skipped up to him and stared at the date on the Batcomputer. It read July 24th. Oh shoot.

My birthday was July 23rd. I'm 10! I now have obtained the right to say, "I remember 10 years ago when... blah blah blah." It has been so busy lately I guess I forgot to keep track of the date.

"hey Bru—" I was stopped when an alert signaling a bank robbery was shown on the Batcomputer. Bruce quickly put on his suit and headed to the Batmobile.

"Wait Bruce!" he glanced back at me for a second. I debated whether now was the right time to tell him I'm 10 now but I shook my head. "Be careful!"

He nodded and jumped in the car and sped away.





The Next Morning ...

Third Person POV

The sun rays peeked through the window, shining upon the furniture of a young boy's bedroom. The boy laid in his bed, sleeping, even in his sleep he frowned. His eyes slowly opened. He winced at the glaring light. When his eyes finally focused, his eyes met another pair which were already staring down at him.

In a split second he pinned down and straddled said person, before realizing it was Cordelia.

"Are you trying to die?" He glared. The glared was soon lost as he yawned.

Cordelia then took the opportunity and switch their positions, pinning him down.

"You let your guard down!" He looked up at her, unamused.

"I could kill you in a single move if I wanted to, why would I waste my energy putting my guard up for an idiot like you?"

"I'm surprised you didn't YEET me this time." She stated, proceeding to put both her arms on either side of Damian's head. "I'm starting to get the impression you like me." She smirked.

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