Chapter 2 -- Wrecking Balls and Lollipops

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"Young lass, please get down from there!"

"NO ALFRED, LET ME CONSUME MYSELF IN MY MISERY!" I yell down as I take out my phone and start blasting "wrecking ball" by Miley Cyrus.

Bruce comes up next to Alfred. "She still hasn't come down?" He questions. "No sir, it appears like swinging from a chandelier is her method of copping."

"If it works for Miley, it'll work for me!" I proceed to swing from one chandelier to the next.

"Oh my god— how did she get up there?"

"Sir, I honestly have no clue."

"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALLLLL!" I sing at the top of my lungs. I'm officially convinced that I'm in the DC universe, it wouldn't make sense otherwise. No wait! What if I'm dreaming? I slap myself as hard as I could. "OOWWW!" My screech echoed through the mansion.

"Did she just—?" "Yes sir, she just slapped herself."

Ow that hurt like a female dog. Maybe that wasn't enough. Maybe I need to do better. I carefully stand up on the chandelier (I honestly don't know how this chandelier is still attached to the roof) and admire how high I am. I'm a good 40 feet above the ground. How I got here you may ask? I don't know myself. Things like this usually happens when I don't pay attention. Once I got on a bus to go to school, next thing I knew I was in Canada. Jessica made sure to come with me to the bus stop every time after that.

I looked down and jumped. I almost made it until Bruce caught me in his arms.

"Come on man, let me jump and hit my head!" I started to tear up.

How do I always manage to screw things up? I was supposed to go Pokémon go hunting with Jessica, Loren and dad this Saturday and then go to the movies but now we can't. Because I always manage to disappear by accident. This time I think I disappeared for good. How am I supposed to get back?

Bruce was looking at me like an idiot. Bet he thinks I look constipated, this jerk.

"What's wrong?" He asked, almost afraid to hear what's wrong.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! I'm stuck in another dimension where there's a bunch of lunatics in every corner, and I can't get any service here to play Pokémon Go!" I hold up my phone and wave it around, nothing.

"I want to go home." I start bawling like a baby, but I don't care. I'm nine and being away from those who take care of me gives me anxiety, especially when I can't even see them again.

Bruce glances at Alfred before pulling me into a hug. I ugly cry until I drift of to sleep. As I drifted of, I felt Bruce begin to walk.






Third person POV

Bruce takes Cordelia up to one of the spare bedrooms and tucks her into bed. He walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. Before him stands Alfred. They converse about what just happened. Bruce questions whether what the girl says is true: that they're at the mercy of some comic book authors. "The girl doesn't seem like she's lying" Alfred begins, "how else would she know who you, Superman, and even master Dick are?" They stay in silence for a good minute. Suddenly Bruce looks up with a glint in his eye, one that Alfred has seen a couple times before. "I've seen that look before, master Bruce, you're thinking of adopting her." Bruce nods. "The girl, she's only a child, just like I was when I lost my parents. If what she claims is true, that she came from another dimension, she basically lost all those she knew and those who were close to her. She needs someone to look after her, and she knows who I am, who a couple vigilantes are, with someone like her loose, it'll be dangerous for both her and those who hide their identities."

"I'm not going to judge you master Bruce, I've heard this story at least three times before. Just try to keep her safe and sane."

"Yes Alfred. I'll make sure she's safe and sound." He opens the door to the room Cordelia was in only to find the bed empty and the windows wide open. "She's gone!"

"Master Bruce! You just said—" "I know what I said!"






Cordelia's POV

I'm back where I started; in Gotham City, in the middle of the night, where all the creeps are out and being creepy. I snuck out not because I wanted to run away, but because I saw a window and every time I see a window I feel the need to jump out of it. While I was at it, I decided to explore, causing me to end up lost once again. For a moment I forgot I was in Gotham.

I could look for my way back to the manor OR I could go look for candy.... Candy it is!

After a while of searching, I found a store that conveniently sold candy at 4am. I bought a bag of lollipops with the money I brought back from my dimension. Surprisingly, they use the same currency. That or the guy at the counter was just too drunk and depressed.

Making my way out of the store, eating the lollipop I craved so much, somebody bumped into me causing me to drop my lollipop. "NOOOO! HOW DARE YOU!" I mourned the passing of Harold, the lollipop. Harold brought me so much happiness, only to be killed by this lunatic. Suddenly, the bag of lollipop was taken out of my grasp. The man who bumped into me had taken my bag of lollipops and was walking away.

"Hah! Like taking candy from a baby!" The man smirked as he put one in his mouth.

"HEY give that back, those are MINE!" I chase after him. "Hah what's a baby like you going to do? Throw a tantrum?" He mocked as he stuck out his tongue.

"Shut up! Can a baby to this?" I roundhouse kick his face and then punch him several times in the face. I then knee his stomach several times. I threw him causing him to smash his face against the wall. I walk up to him but suddenly, something wrapped around my legs and my torso, trapping my arms and causing me to fall. "What the hell?" I struggle against bolas? Who the—what the hell?

"Hey man, get lost." Someone from behind me demanded. The man who was barely conscious a second earlier, suddenly jolted and ran away. "Yeah you better run!" I say as I struggle to escape. I look like a burrito having a seizure. I roll over and stare at my capturer.

"The psychos just keep getting younger." The guy picks me up by my hoodie. "So kid, what are you doing out at four in the morning, fighting random strangers over—" he looks at the bag of lollipops on the floor, "lollipops?" He questions. Oh no, it's another man chil— I mean, vigilante. I look at him and notice the blue Nightwing symbol on his suit. "Wait a minute, I recognize that god like butt, you're Nightwing!"

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