Chapter 5 - Give me attention

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Caroline's POV

He eyed he up and down.

"Weak." He said, while still eyeing me.

"Excuse me?!"

"I am obviously a more capable candidate to inherit the Bat mantle. Not only am I more capable physically, but way more capable in intelligence. I have no idea why father would take in such a useless child. If I were you, I'd make my way out, since you're obviously a burden on father."

This son of a bit—

"It's a shame you can't photoshop a bad personality, no wonder you have no friends."

"I don't  need friends."

I knew Damian was complicated, but I didn't think he'd be this complicated. I thought if we were to ever meet, we'd be friends. Like paint each other's nails with ketchup type of friends. Steal the Batmobile without Bruce's consent type of friends. Instead this boy is so obsessed about being the "blood son" that he views any child that Bruce has adopted as a threat to his inheritance. For someone so full of himself, he sure is insecure.

"I think you're forgetting that Bruce ADOPTED me, as in, he WANTED me. Unlike you, you were a outcome of a one-night stand that Bruce had no consent of!"

His eyes widen for a split second before his face returned to a scowl more deeper than usual. He headed towards the stairs, but before he headed up, he turned in my direction and glared.

"Soon." Was all he said before disappearing to god knows where.

What. The. Fuck.

What did he mean by, "soon"? My god, is he going to get rid of me? I'd like to see him try.





Damian thinks I'm a normal child, well I am, but that's not what I mean. He thinks I'm incapable of fighting back, I also don't think that Bruce has told him about me coming from another dimension, and that I knew of them before I even met them. I can use this to my advantage.

Now if I were Damian Wayne how would I get rid of an enemy?

'Use long knife and STAB.' The voice in the back of my head told me.

But Damian's over his 'kill everything' phase, so how would he do it? Hmmmmm. Ahh thinking hurts my brain.

Fuck it, how would I do it, how would Cordelia do it? Drugs and kidnapping that's how.

No wait Damian was actually one of my favorite characters aside from Dick. Maybe if I try, we can become friends. Not sure how successful that'll be after what I just said to him but it won't hurt to try!

Operation make the demon my friend commences now!

Day one:

Task: Wake him up gently

Agh never doing that again. I guess being jumped on as I yell "RISE AND SHINE BITCH" is not his preferred method of being woken up. Right now I'm on the floor, next to Damian's bed, trying to stay conscious as he just kicked me really hard and I hit my head on the floor. I swore I flew. This shorty is STRONG.

"Don't expect me to apologize. You were asking for it." He huffs and goes back to sleep.

"Damiaaaaaaan!" I whine, rubbing the back of my head.

"It's three in the morning, what could you possibly want?!"

"Your love and attention!" I say as I yawn and close my eyes, fighting sleep.

He doesn't respond and I drift to sleep. That or maybe I have a concussion and I passed out.






I wake up on the same floor, sunlight peeking through the window. I have a blanket over me. I sit up to find the room empty. I realize there was a note next to me. I picked up the paper. It read "idiot".

"I wonder who that's addressed to." I mumble as I got up to search for new ways to annoy Damian.





Third person POV

Damian is training in the batcave, kicking, stabbing, and throwing all the heavy bags in the room. He turned his head and had his target locked in his mind. A feeble punching bag, waiting to be greeted by his physical strength and sword.

"AARGH!" He yelled, running towards his target. He was about to jump and land a kick on it when all of a sudden...

"Hey Damian!" Cordelia appeared before him. The sudden appearance made him stop abruptly, causing him to trip and fall, taking Cordelia down with him. Needless to say they were in quite the awkward position.

"Wow Damian, at least take me on a date first. You truly are your father's son." She wiggled her eyebrows, trying to hide her own embarrassment. She wasn't very convincing with the redness appearing on her cheeks.

"You fool! What idiot jumps in front of a target!"

"Someone seeking your attention, DUH." She stated as if the most obvious thing in the world.

Damian was taken back from what she said, heat rushed to his face once more. Why was this girl so... annoying?

"Just leave me alone." He stated, looking away.

"Can't really do that with you on top of me can I?" She responded.

"Why you—"

"I see you two are getting along better than I thought." Bruce walks into the Batcave, drinking some coffee. He raised an eyebrow at the scene before him. Both Cordelia and Damian turned to look at him in shock.



"Sugar dad!"

Bruce sighed. "Cordelia...."

Cordelia POV (will I ever stick to one POV?)

Don't know why we're shouting each other's names but this is fun.

"Hey B!" He glances at me. "Couldn't you have given me a heads up that your son was going to be staying with us? Would have been nice to know before I yelled at him when I got here."

"Did you know I had a son?" He walked up to me. By now me and Damian were on our feet.

"Of course. He was one of my favorite characters after all!" Bruce signed at this. And proceeded to the bat computer.

I started to walk in the direction of Bruce but got pulled back. I glanced back and realized Damian had grasped my wrist.

"What do you mean by I was your 'favorite character' and that you knew I was Bruce's son?" He glared at me and then his father.

"Explain now!"

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