Chapter 3-- Monkey Business

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Sorry for being M.I.A I've been busy with school. Even at the moment I have a 4,000 word essay due soon and I haven't even started. I'm avoiding it like the plague which is not the brightest thing to do.

Also the picture above is an accurate representation of Cordelia every time Bruce comes back from work.

Also the picture above is an accurate representation of Cordelia every time Bruce comes back from work

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Also here's a Cordelia doodle I drew ;)

Cordelia's POV

"...And that's why you shouldn't bring tide pods to a kid's birthday party."

"Kid, what the hell are you talking about?" Nightwing face-palmed for I think the fifth time.

"Wait, are you saying kids don't eat tide-pods in this universe?" I asked confused, sitting up, still tied up. Why am I constantly being tied up in this universe? Is it karma for when I tied Mr. Dash to a flag pole back in second grade? He deserved it for being a little bitch though. He gave me an F in participation when I said his marriage was sadder than my grade in his class, and that was a lot considering I had an F at the time.

"Wha—tide pods? Universe? I have enough to deal with, I'm just going to call Batman." Nightwing mumbled, taking out his device and dialing his previous mentor.


"B you know this kid!?" He questioned.

"You have to be more specific."

"Girl. About 4'9. Fighting strangers over lollipops. She saying children eat tide pods in her universe?!"

"I'll be right there."

One-month time skip

It has been a month since I've been here, and I didn't think it'd be this boring. Bruce is always either at work or crime-fighting leaving me to myself, Dick is off in Bludhaven fighting crime and living his daily life (stopping by once a week), and Alfred is off being, well you know, Alfred. I'm not aloud to even go outside because I don't exist in this world and they can't have me spilling information. Its just been so BORING. I'd hate to say this, but I'd rather be in school interacting with human beings than be in this huge and lonely mansion. After I told Bruce about the times I've accidently hacked the government webpage when I was just trying to create a club penguin account, he hasn't let me use the internet without supervision. I was so bored I begged him to take me as his next Robin because I'd rather be doing something rather than watch the wall all day.

And I know what you guys are thinking, or at least what I thought. "Why not sneak out?" Well isn't that an excellent idea. Except Bruce upgraded his defense systems after I snuck out and broke in the first two times. Good times, good times. Having to explain to Bruce why I decided to take a walk around Gotham at two in the morning while Alfred or Dick would stitch him up after his vigilante business is quite an experience. Especially when all you're thinking about is, "damn, sexy beefy arms". I swear if I were older, I wouldn't hesitate to sauce up these DC men. Like why are they all so beautiful?

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