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Cordelia's POV



It was a lovely night, as usual. I could almost forget the fact that I was currently being chased by police officers. Key word: almost. I rounded a corner into an alley and turned over a trash can which caused the two cops that were chasing me to curse as they tripped over the garbage. I dashed out of their sight into a shopping district. I unwrapped my hoodie from my waist, put it on, and pulled on the hood. I quickly blended in with the huge crowd.

Now I know you're all wondering why I'm being chased by the police. Well, I'll have you know that there are only a few reasons why I would probably fall under guilty or suspicious. Nothing too bad, just probably the fact that I might have been caught trying to set fire to one of my best friend's neighbor's house two days ago, the FACT I've been accused of breaking into arcades various times (I've never been caught red-handed though 😉), the FACT that I thought that my teacher's car needed a bit of decorating (with a sharpie), the FACT th--, wow there's a lot of reasons, but they're not that bad.... ANYWAYS, none of those are the reason for today! They could be chasing after me for one of two reasons: because it's weird for a nine-year-old to be roaming the streets without adult supervision OR because they saw me buying LSD from a drug dealer. To be fair, I didn't think he was a drug dealer, I thought it was a hobo selling candy but when he ran away when the authorities showed up, I could only put two and two together. Also, the hundred-dollar bill which he dropped did not seem very hobo-like. Well, not like that mattered after I SISTER-SNATCHED it. I probably could have gotten out of trouble easily, using the excuse of being a lost and confused nine-year-old child, but I thought the thrill of being chased by cops was a way more amusing way to spend a Friday night.

Just as I thought I was in the clear, I see the reflection of the two cops running up behind me through the window of a small shoe store.

"Shoot" I say under my breath as I quickly push through a crowd of people. After five minutes I make it out of the shopping district and jay-walked across the street and into an alley.

"Hey little gir-"I kicked a pervert in the face, knocking him out cold. No time to deal with perverts. It was night time and the drunk and sketchy people were coming out. I'm not trying to get kidnapped, not today. I've already been kidnapped way too many times and I always hate it because I have no access to the internet. But escaping is always fun I guess.

"IN THE NAME OF THE LAW STOP!" Why do police officers think that'll work? I around another corner and another. I turn a corner and see a weird white void and before I could stop I tripped and fell through....






This may be confusing so here's a quick summary:

Basically Cordelia, the main character, is being chased by cops after accidentally being caught in a drug deal. Having way too many reasons to get arrested (even as a nine-year-old), and craving a fun time, Cordelia runs into the night avoiding the authorities. While attempting to escape, a white void opens before Cordelia which, to save future confusion, is a boom tube that allows for dimension traveling. This is Cordelia's ticket to the DC universe. 

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