Arcee x BffReader

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Arcee xbffReader

We need some girl time and I think Arcee would be the best helping you out some situations.
Btw, IronHide its your adopted dad ever since he started to called you sparkling.

disclaimer, sometimes I mix universes because, for example I need someone older like Mikeila and Sam, but also Miko, Raf and Jack...

Warning; Drunk Reader

You were at your friend's house, celebrating her birthday, there were boys and girls, but thank goodness there were more girls, it make you feel a little bit safer so you let yourself go just a bit, I mean, you started drinking along with your friends.
It has been a long time since you had a proper alcoholic drink! In the base those weren't allowed, you couldn't drink outside with Miko, Raf or Jack, they're too young... and you couldn't go out like before meeting the bots, you weren't complaining but... you missed dancing and drinking, and singing with friends, doing dumb stuff.

So... here you were, dancing like crazy, singing at the top of your lungs, and of course, having those drinks you love which are the sweetest ones, you knew those are dangerous but you loovee them, and this was the last time you would be allowed to go out, you knew for sure.

By the time you looked at your phone you barely could read the text, it was your autobot dad, saying he wouldn't be able to pick you up so call up another bot, you said thank you because you don't want him or Optimus and Bee to see you this drunk... you don't know how but you cell-phoned Arcee, there was no one better for this mission, taking your drunk ass back to the base without being noticed.

Arcee: 'Y/N? What's up?'

Y/N: 'Arceeee... I need you to pick me... up... plsss... I can't send you the... the direction... amgh... I'm... a little bit... drunk'

Arcee: 'Oh no... okey okey, relax, I'll go for you... shit IronHide it's gonna kill you girl'

Y/N:'don't teelll himmm pleaasee'

Arcee:'jeez okey okey Ahahaha I'm oj my way'

You trusted Arcee because she was your first female best friend in the base, then Miko and Mikeila, Arcee always protects you first, and also helps you with girls stuff like make up and dresses.
With the help of one of your friends you're now seated on the grass of the front of the house, after a few minutes you see that lovely motorcycle, you smile all goofy and you extend your arms to her holoform.


Arcee:'dear Primus... how much did you drank?'

Y/N:'aah just... a few glasses and... shots... and beer...'

Arcee:'okey okey let's go home'

Holoforms are super strong so carrying you to the motorcycle was easy but she battled a bit trying to stick you there so in the way you don't fall on the way to the base.
She had to stop for a few times on the way but nothing dangerous, in a couple of minutes you're arriving at the base.

Y/N:'my.. Irondad its not here... is he?'

Arcee:'nah, you're lucky that he won't see you like that and I won't be in trouble to cover you' She said as she was helping you walking, now you were barefoot because if you kept walking in heels there would be an accident.

Y/N:'thaank youuu Arcee... aah we're gonna make it and they won't know about it~' you giggled a bit entering to the chambers that lead your room, but instantly the lights were on


IronHide:'You thought that yo were gonna go with it, right?' He was in is holoform, arms crossed and a serious face.

Y/N:'ouh... I'm... aah I'm sorry dad...' your lip started to tremble and he took you like a princess to your room. Arcee just stood there for a moment.

Y/N:'thank you for helping me Arcee' she just smiled at that and wave goodbye at you, then she saw Optimus smiling a bit because of your drunkself.

IronHide:'you're grounded and tomorrow we gonna have a serious talk Y/N, even without a hangover tomorrow we're gonna have it' he said as he lays you on the bed.

Y/N:'okey dad... don't be mad at Arcee... she helped me just because I asked...' you saw him with puppy's eyes and he sighs making a little smile, you always put others before yourself.

IronHide:'okey srparkling, now try to sleep...'

You nodded and closed your eyes, you were just feeling dizzy, not that bad because before Arcee had come to you, you had thrown up on a bush.

IronHide closed your door and he found a smiling Optimus.

IronHide:'why are you smiling Prime?'

OP:'its funny seeing you as a dad... a dad of a teenager old friend'

IronHide:'ahh I just hope she won't do this too much'

OP:'I don't think so... she's a good girl... now, lets go recharge and tomorrow you take care of your sparkling'

IronHide:'I'll follow you... amh Arcee, thanks for helping my sparkling...'

Arcee:'Always, she's my friend... and it was funny, have a nice recharge both of you ' She said goodbye and her holoform disappeared.

IronHide smiled and his holoform disappeared, going to the hangar where the bots recharge, thinking of the day that awaits him tomorrow.

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