Optimus x Reader

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Optimus x Reader

Placed in the revenge of the fallen.

There is no better way to die than to die in place of someone you love.


Y/N had powers since she can remember, her life was not easy at all, but inn spite of all the obstacles, she smiled and sought to help others without looking for anything in return, because a smile directed at her was enough, with so much lack of love, that small gesture was the best thing in the world.
But well, that's another story, an old one. Her current reality is to be by the side of the Transformers and their soldier friends along with Lennox and Epps, her "uncles" as she has nicknamed them, she is like the daughter or niece of the whole base since she is the youngest and therefore one of the few women there.

Now they are in the middle of a war thanks to Sam, well, she doesn't like to blame him but if he had listened to Optimus in the first place they wouldn't be escaping from fucking Megatron! She tries to use her powers but the energy she had wasn't enough to stop him... the fight in that little forest was the worst, because Sam and Leo had to pull her into Bumblebee in order to leave... she was screaming and crying... Optimus was dead and she just ran away.

In the middle of the silent journey to exile she couldn't stop thinking about... about the love of her life, yes, she and Optimus were something secret, Epps, Bee and Lennox were the only ones who knew and who helped to keep everything in the shadows to avoid attacks or threats, not to mention that everyone would judge them....or so they both thought, if they spoke out loud, their love would be frowned upon, but the truth is that everyone, autobots and friends like Sam knew there was something between them but respected the fact that no one wanted to say anything and if it was a secret like that it would stay.

But not anymore... because Optimus left and she was not given the opportunity to help him thinking about her well being, if they knew that she would have given her life for him at any moment and without thinking twice, that's how big her love was.

Y/N remembered when Optimus first smiled in front of her, it was something magical and something she would always treasure since he didn't smile that often and if he did it was for specific and special reasons, knowing that she was special was beautiful... and she also let him know that his big robot was very special in his life.


They were sitting on the hill watching the sunset, it was one of their favorite activities to rest and get away from the world, the missions, the problems in general.
She was sitting on Optimus' shoulder because he offered her that place, excusing himself that from that height the view was much better and now the beauty and silence between the two is the only thing that can be seen... until she lets out a soft laugh, she has discovered the transformer smiling.

Optimus: 'What's going on?

Y/N: 'I can't believe I just saw you smiling, it's like a shooting star, it happens rarely and I think I'll make a wish hahaha

Optimus: 'Oh I... amh' He looked a little embarrassed, she put a quiet hand on his cheek plate to calm him down but it seems to make him a little more nervous.

Y/N: 'whatever the reason of your smile is, I'm so grateful that cause that in you, it's good to smile and I think it's something strange for you because of the things you went through... I'm happy to see you happy, Optimus '.

Both were silent again until Optimus took a deep breath and looked back at her.

Optimus: 'You are the reason of my smile Y/N... you brought that light and hope back into my life

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