Reader x Bumblebee TFP

889 16 9

ReaderSparkedCybertronianFemale x Bee

Autobots x Reader



The trip in the capsule was horrible, there was barely room for the body of a single cybertronian, but she now had a little more body... she's soarked and such an uncomfortable trip is the worst right now.
But she knew that she would finally be safe, she can detect the presence of the autobots on planet Earth and even though she knows that the war against the decepticons is still on, she feels better with the autobots because she is not alone and helpless with her future baby, she knows that Optimus Prime being who he is, if something happens to her, he would take care of her baby. Thinking about that, in the opportunities, their trip and the discomforts become smaller and just in that moment, smiling, she listens to the alarm of the capsule, she is about to arrive.

Y/N: 'planet Earth, Nevada? Mh strange names' She sighs softly and decides to close her eyes to enter the little dream that the capsule induces her for the landing.

-Time Skip-

In a short time a rumble in the earth is heard and immediately the autobots move towards the desert.

Ratchet: 'It seems to be a capsule but I can't tell if it's from our side or from... the decepticons' spoke the doctor through his communicators, Optimus and Bumblebee, along with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were about to reach the capsule impact zone, their nerves were too much to think that it would be a new decepticon to fight. However, within minutes, those nerves dissipated; the capsule had the autobots' insight on it.

Bee: :it looks like it's one of ours:

Op: 'don't trust in the outside insight, the decepticons have many ways to get into the ground and pretending to be one of our team is one of those ways, be ready'

Just when Optimus had finished saying that sentence, the capsule began to open little by little, a small smoke was now the only barrier that prevented them from seeing the being that was in the capsule... or it would be empty.

Y/N: 'uy... that was a horrible landing...'

The autobots look at a female cybertronian getting up slowly because she has a big belly that prevents her from moving properly, showing her autobot badge anyway, without thinking about it anymore Sunstreaker and Sideswipe run to help her by extending their servos so that the female can take them.

Side: 'welcome to the earth, my dear! What's your name?'

Suns: 'hey don't overwhelm her, don't worry honey, my brother is a bit of a throwback'

Y/N: 'oh wow I didn't think my arrival on earth would be so sweet hahahah oh! Optimus, it's an honor to meet you my name is Y/N' everyone's optics shine because seeing a female sparked is something unique and they would never see it again... but for Bee it was something else, it was something more than beautiful, she is perfect and her spark seems to explode, see how she moves, her belly is beautiful and her voice so delicate... she is perfect.

Bee: "you are so beautiful..." Bee spoke thinking that she wouldn't understand, not thinking that maybe she's a cybertronian.

Y/N:'oh... thank you very much! I am so flattered' her cheek pallets became a noticeable color, she feels very happy and calm.

Bee: "ah! I said it out loud I'm sorry I... ah ah I better shut up" the brothers still holding Y/N's servos couldn't hold their laughter.

Op:' welcome to the Earth, I must say that we are very happy to see one of us alive and safe, especially in your condition, now we must go to the base and there we will be able to talk all quietly, we have a doctor who can scan you and see that everything is in perfect condition' everyone nodded and Bee through the communicator asks for a ground bridge.
Everyone with care of the newcomer is transported to the base where an astonished Ratchet appears, smiling for the first time in a long time, just as everyone is surprised by the female's condition.

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