Bumblebee x Reader. little secret.

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Bumblebee x Reader


Autobots POV.

Like no other time, there was no decepticon activity around Jasper or even around the world, so the team was quite enjoying this moment of peace the get to have every now and then, the kids were playing in the base, Ratchet was as usual working but not as much as other days, Optimus helping him or training with the others like Arcee who wanted to upgrade her weapons, like they hadn't do that in a long time, Bulkhead and the twins were laughing and watching videos... but... where was Bumblebee?

Optimus: 'excuse that I interrupted you, young Rafael, but have you seen where Bumblebee left?'

Raf: 'mh? I think he said he was on patrol... but I didn't ask where he was going, sorry'

Optimus:'it's okey Rafael, thanks for the information...' he tried to contact Bee but he was not answering verbally as usual, yes, he just beeped but the autobots were able to understand him... instead, the leader received a message from Bee, "can't answer now, on patrol, everything ok, sir" and that was it for the rest of the day till was late night that Bee came back to the base, Bulkhead was the one that took Raf to his home.
Everyone was at recharge except for the yellow bot and... his leader.

Optimus:'Bumblebee... may I have a word with you, before you go to recharge ' he asked the young autobot which now seems a little nervous.

Bee: ::yes, Optimus... is there a problem?:: They both walked away from the base, Optimus knowing that maybe Bee has to tell him something private that Sunstreaker And Sideswipe doesn't need to know.

Optimus:'I've seen that you're leaving the base for patrol... quite often and without informing me or Ratchet, not a must... but we need to know where you are and if you're okey if something gets to know...' at this point Bee was really nervous, he's such a innocent autobot that lying takes him a lot... like, a lot and lying to Optimus, can't have that.

Bee: ::Mh... ah okey... I... I've been going out to... to see someone:: he scratched the back of his helm and his optics went down.

Optimus:'May I know who is that someone?' He said calmly, knowing that the young autobot didn't mean any harm or problems, he must have a reason not to tell him.

Bee: ::My... my sparkmate... she... she is human, Optimus, that's why I didn't say anything to you or... anyone, just... Raf helped me sometimes to go out and have an excuse:: Optimus just stared at Bee with wide optics, a sparkmate? On earth, he had heard about it... but it was good! Bee had found love...

Optimus:'I see... I'm so happy for you, but Bumblebee, don't you think it's better for us to know about her? What about the decepticons? If they find out that she's your sparkmate they can use her against us and harm her really bad'

Bee: ::I know it was risky but... we figured out that if no one knew nothing, not even the decepticons could find about it... I only go out in public with her in my holoform, the decepticons doesn't know how I look... or how she looks... she knows everything about you guys... she... amh sometimes she sends presents for you and the children... but... I think it's time to... present her to the family?:: Bee smiled a bit and Optimus let out a sigh but then he smiled too.

Optimus:'We'll wait for her tomorrow... oh, one more thing Bumblebee, for how long this has been going?'

Bee: ::Ouh... Am.. ah... a year... heheh and a half::

Optimus:'Well... it may be my fault too for not asking you obvious things, but I'm feeling joy to see you finally together with your sparkmate... now lets go recharge and bring her here first time in the morning '

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