Ratchet x Reader

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Ratchet x Reader

Transformers Prime.

-No one's pov.-

Soul mates are supposed to meet once and love flows between them naturally, however, it seems that when soul mates are of different species... that, love, is not so accurate, they forgot to mention, in books that talk about souls, that when they are different... they have to work together so that love manifests itself in them... and that is exactly what happens to the newly introduced ones, Y/N and Ratchet.

Y/N has been working in military intelligence in Nevada for a long time, but her specialty was being a strategist. Because of a problem in her leg she was never able to join the team she wanted, but she could guide them and she did so repeatedly, life was normal... until one morning an agent named Fowler came to visit the base, looking at files and the base workers. She was chosen to be part of the new team at Jasper, something top secret that not even her boss knew about.

Y/N: 'I just hope I don't die...

Fowler: 'don't worry, nothing like that, soon it will stop being classified for you and you will understand everything'. A few meters from the base, the agent called someone saying that the new addition to the team is coming, that they should behave.

Fowler: 'Have you ever heard of autobots?

Y/N: 'several, good things and well, I've seen traces of their fights with the... amh... desepticons?, I think that's what they're called'.

Fowler: 'yes, that's their name, don't worry, now you'll meet a real autobot, well, maybe all of them if they haven't gone out on patrol... ah, some are a little grumpy, others don't talk much and the rest are friendly... and no, you're not the only human on the base, because of fate we have 3 children we have to take care of...

She remained silent while the vehicle was parked, then carefully got out of the car and got behind Fowler, this is a somewhat new terrain for her, she can't believe she will be working with the autobots team, she knows that not for them, but for Fowler, but to be on the same base is incredible.
Taking a little bit of air she walks next to her new boss and immediately she sees the giants... they are so magnificent and somewhat serious, except for the yellow one that immediately comes closer to prying.

Y/N: 'hello... ahahha my name is Y/N'.

Fowler: 'she will work on the base with you, not for you and no, she doesn't need a guardian, so don't bother her, okay? She's one of the best strategists I've ever seen and I need her for me and the guys

Op: 'welcome to the autobots base, I hope you feel comfortable here, we appreciate your services, I have also reviewed your record and I must mention that I am surprised that a human like you is capable of so many feats '.
Y/N:' oh god... amh ahahah thanks, I feel a bit nervous... you guys are so great, I feel like a dove in the middle of flamingos'.

Bee: "Don't worry, we are all friends! Welcome to the team"

Y/N: 'Thank you very much! What's your name?

Bee: "Bumblebee! Wait... can you understand me?' The yellow bot looked surprised as she smiled and nodded her head.

Y/N: "Nice to meet you, Bumblebee '
Bulk: 'hey, my name is Bulkhead, don't worry, Bee, me and... maybe Optimus, we are cool, Arcee is a little quiet and good... Ratchet is very... amh... serious' Y/N heart jumped when he heard that name... it's the same one he has on her forearm, it's the name of his soul mate... her soul mate is an autobot? She couldn't help smiling, she didn't care, yes, it's something very strange but... but she feels very happy and wants to meet him.

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