Jamie Wellerstein (The Last 5 Years)

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I don't know how I did it but I managed to make it not angsty which I thought would be impossible considering Jamie is a bitch. I've also changed the plot of the musical, not by much so please don't hate me.

Warning: Mentions of alcohol

One night I had the urge to get drunk (drinking alcohol is bad kids!). My sister and I had argued and she was really pissing me off, that's the consequence of living with your sibling! I made my way to the closest bar and even though it was a Tuesday night, the bar was pretty busy but I was determined to get drunk (I do not encourage this btw). Luckily, as I dodged people surrounding the entrance, I managed to find a seat at the bar and instantly ordered a drink, "I'll take the strongest thing you've got" I said rather impatiently.

"Rough night?" A male voice behind the bar said.

"You know it," I said with a slight smile, he chuckled.

He made my drink quite quickly and I drank it like a shot, of course he never told me what it was as I just told him to give me the strongest drink but apart from the burning sensation in my throat, it was amazing, I felt myself starting to get drunk already. The man behind the bar looked really familiar and he was pretty cute so I wanted to get to know him a bit more.

"I'm Y/N by the way," I randomly said but he just smiled.

"Jamie Wellerstein at your service," he said as he bowed, then I realised who he was and my eyes widened.

"The Author?!" He chuckled at my sudden outburst.

"You know it!" He said quoting what I said to him earlier on. We then continued talking about random things, I complained about my sister a lot and he told me about his work. After an hour, we were still talking but the only difference was that I was very drunk.

Jamie's POV

We had been talking for almost 2 hours and Y/N was drunk, and I mean seriously drunk. It was the end of my shift and knowing Cathy was in Ohio I decided to take Y/N back to my house.


Jamie led me to his car and I decided to speak up, "are you planning on kidnaping me?!" I couldn't control the volume of my speech so I ended up shouting the whole sentence which caused people to stare.

"No of course not, I just figured that because you live with your sister, you might want a peaceful day tomorrow, I assume you're going to be hungover as hell." Laughter took over my body, I have no idea why, he didn't even say anything really funny.

I continued to laugh until we reached his house, I stumbled out of the car and we walked inside. His house wasn't too big but it wasn't too small either, it was a decent size. Jamie led me to his room where I kicked off my heals and jumped onto the bed, I heard him laugh at my actions.

"Hey, if you want I can give you some clothes to wear, it saves you from wearing that dress to bed." I couldn't be bothered to look up so I groaned in response. He understood and grabbed some clothes, then he threw them at me and left the room. I forced myself to get up and change and I'm glad I did because his clothes were SO COMFY, I then made my way to the bed and flopped onto it, suddenly, I heard knocking on the door.

"COME IIIIIIIIN!!" I yelled off the top of my lungs.

"Alright, calm down," he giggled and I would be lying if I said I didn't find it adorable, "I just wanted to say goodnight and if you need anything I'm in the room next door." He began to close the door.

"WAIT!! JAMIEEE COME BAAAAACK!!!" Why am I being so loud?

"Stop yelling! I have neighbours, what do you want?" He smiled widely.

"I don't want to be on my ownnnn, stay with me pleaseeeeee," I said innocently as I pouted. He just nodded and chuckled, why does he always have to do that? It's so adorable! He then made his way to the bed and pulled the covers over us both, I immediately snuggled into his chest and he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Mr WELLIESTEIN!"

"It's WellERstein thank you very much, now be quiet and go to sleep." As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt myself begin to fall asleep.

Time Skip to the next morning

I woke up with a very painful headache and I tried to move but I couldn't, something was stopping me. I then realised that someone was holding onto me. I managed to turn around and as I did, the man holding me opened his eyes and smiled. It was Jamie Wellerstein, THE JAMIE WELLERSTEIN?! I WAS IN BED WITH JAMIE WELLERSTEIN, FAMOUS AUTHOR JAMIE WELLERSTEIN?!
"WHAT THE FU-" He interrupted me by kissing my lips passionately. I could get used to this.

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