Dr Pomatter (Waitress)

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Jeremy Jordan as Dr Pomatter is amazing! There is a bootleg on YouTube and I recommend it!

This is pretty cute if I do say so myself :)

5 years ago

I came home one day from work to the sound of someone sobbing. I quickly placed my bag on the kitchen counter and rushed into mine and my husband's room, he was there sitting on the bed, sobbing. I rushed over to him and cradled him in my arms as he sobbed harder.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen!" Jim's voice broke as he said this.

"Hey, it's ok, what ever happened we can fix it," I said trying to reassure him.

"No, what I did was horrible, I will never forgive myself."

"Don't be silly, it couldn't have been that ba-" He cut me off.

"I CHEATED ON YOU!" I pushed him off me slightly, tears filled my eyes.

"W-what?" I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"I'm sorry," I got off the bed, "Y/N, please, I'm sorry." I walked out of the bedroom with tears running down my cheeks as Jim followed behind me. I grabbed my bag which I had placed on the counter earlier, took off my wedding ring and left. I walked as fast as I could, I turned to see if he had followed me, no, why would he? He obviously didn't love me.

Present Day

I walked into my apartment and was greeted by my dog, Ogie (XD). I had Ogie a couple of weeks after Jim and I divorced, it was rough at first because I had hardly any money, working as a waitress doesn't really pay much, Jim bought our house and used to pay the bills, that's doctors pay for you. I was able to find an old apartment with a cheap rent, it was enough for just the two of us. Last week I started feeling unwell so I booked an appointment to see a doctor this afternoon. 

After a couple of hours, I said goodbye to Ogie and make my way to the doctors. The town I lived in wasn't very big so I didn't have to travel far, however, as the week had progressed, my illness got worse, my head was pounding and my throat was dry and aching constantly. As soon as I made it to the doctors, my name was called and I walked in (I forgot what the rooms are called). I sat on the bed for a little while before a male came into the room, I couldn't see his face because it was covered by the file he was reading.

"Hello, I'm Dr Pomatter," my eyes widened and I could already feel the tears falling onto my cheeks, "pleased to meet yo-" his eyes also widened once he saw me, he stumbled backwards a bit but then smiled. How could he smile?! We haven't seen each other for 5 years because he cheated on me and he's smiling?! "Y/N, hey, it has been a while. You look great, I mean you've always looked great," I blushed at his rambling, wait, why am I blushing? This is my ex-husband, I put my hands to my face trying to hide my blushed face and noticed that I wasn't crying anymore.

"Hi, Dr Pomatter, it has been a while. Anyway, my head has been hurting like mad and my throat is so sore, I've tried taking paracetamol but it hasn't been doing anything." I looked up at him and he just stood there, staring at me, what the hell was his problem?! "Um, Dr? are you going to help me?"

"Huh, what?" I groaned in frustration, "bad head, sore throat?" I nodded, "right, yeah I can help with that. I help people, that's why I'm a doctor." This was going to take forever.

After about 20 minutes, he prescribed me to some sort of medicine. While he was giving me my check up, we talked about everything, I have no idea how it only took 20 minutes; it felt like forever. He told me about what happened 5 years ago and how he was truly sorry for everything, he gave me his number and told me if I needed anything, I could just give him a call. I was about to leave when...

"Y/N, I just want you to know that I still love you and I never stopped loving you, what I did was just terrible and I know that if you don't want to accept my apology, I totally understand." I was speechless, I just stood there. "Please say something, I've been so alone without you, it has literally just been my fish and I for the past 5 years, please let me make it up to you, let me buy you dinner." He looked so desperate, I had been lonely too and I still loved him.

"Dinner sounds great, I'll text you my address," I spoke softly, not knowing what else to say but before I walked out the door, I gave him a quick peck on his lips then practically ran out. He was left with a huge smile on his face.  


Musical theatre characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora