Sonny (In the Heights)

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This was a really cute request by @boltasaur_ (I apologise for how long it's taken me to write it).

This is kind of short but it's late and I need to sleep soon :)

I still haven't seen the new In the Heights movie and I want to see it SO BAD😩


Anyway, I apologise for making anyone who read the last one shot upset. This one isn't sad :)

Walking alone at night wasn't the best thing in the world but at least I knew these streets and I knew where I was going. The one place I visit regularly, Usnavi and Sonny's shop (does it have a name? I legit can't remember). I always make up an excuse to have to go but really I go to see my best friend, Sonny.

Anyways, while walking down the street, the street lights began to flicker, which never usually happens. I continued walking and I could see the bright lights of the small corner shop, Sonny must've seen me because he kept jumping up and down and waving at me like a child. The street lights began to flicker more frequently and I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

Suddenly I couldn't see my own feet in front of me, all the lights had gone out. I stood in place, not being able to move. I could hear Sonny shouting for me, I tried to move but it was no use, I just sank to the floor, tears streaming down my face. The volume of the shouting increased as he made his way over to me.

"Y/N!? Y/N?" After what felt like a lifetime, I could see his shadow kneeling in front of me. "Y/N? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He put his hand to my cheek and could feel the tears still streaming down my face but he wiped them away. He could tell I was very afraid, so, he helped me to stand and carefully walked over to the shop.

Once we finally got inside, Graffiti Pete threw himself over the counter, knocking over some bottles on the way, and turned on a battery powered lamp (Is this a thing? I don't know but for this story, it is). Sonny saw how upset I looked and pulled me in for a hug. Before pulling away he kissed my cheek softly, I could feel my cheeks heat up and a smile grew on my once afraid face. Sonny made me feel safe and although there was a total blackout happening, he made me feel as if the world didn't exist.

We sat inside for at least an hour and talked, Pete left after a while to see if he could help fix the situation, so it was just Sonny and I.

"Do you remember when we were younger and used to chase each other around the isles in this shop?" I asked quietly and yawning straight after.

"Of course, those were the good old days, mi amor." I smiled to myself and yawned once more. "Are you tired?" He asked.

"Oh, no it's all good-" you were interrupted by another yawn.

"Alright sleepy head, you can rest on my shoulder if you'd like?" I blushed slightly but I just wanted to sleep at this point.

"I'll only rest my eyes," I explained as I put my head on his shoulder, only to be pulled in closer by Sonny. He was so warm, it was inviting and as soon as I closed my eyes, sleep took over instantly.

"Goodnight, mi amour," Sonny kissed my forehead and stared into the abyss, not wanting this moment to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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