Emmett Forrest (Legally Blonde)

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This one is going to be quite long. Small warning: swearing in one part.


The first day of college! I am super excited, mainly because I get to see my long time crush, Mr Emmett Forrest! I think I might actually have a chance with him because he may not be as popular as he was before we graduated from high school, all the girls swooned over him, including me but unlike the other girls I never went up to him and I never talked to him, it was better that way. My best friend Elle knew about this little crush and she kept giving me these pep talks, telling that if I want to get with him then I had to talk to him but I always refused, saves the embarrassment I guess. Anyway, this is about college not high school, that is done and over with now its time for my life to actually begin, starting with Harvard Law school.

I almost cried leaving the house, all my family were there waving as I got in the taxi, I felt the tears well up in my eyes but I knew that if I cried I probably wouldn't have been able to stop. The journey to Harvard was actually surprisingly fun, I talked to the taxi driver and he was a really sweet guy, kind of cute too, he looked as if he was destined to be a model in magazines or on buses however, i'm pretty sure he was gay... or was he European (I'm sorry). We talked about random stuff like where we think we would be in 10 years time, obviously I said a lawyer and he said that he wanted to be a taxi driver all his life and I supported his life choices but was mentally cursing at him for not saying a model or something.

Once we got to Harvard, the nerves started to kick in, what if I'm not meant to be here? Have I made the right choice? A thousand questions wizzed through my head and I almost lost my balance, catching myself and dragging my suitcase behind me, I started to walk towards the old (my english teachers hate the word old but I'm not creative so jokes on them) building. I managed to get my dorm key and get to my dorm in time so I didn't get crushed by the upper class pupils getting out of their lessons, I was quite impressed with myself. As I went to unlock my dorm, I saw that it was already open which meant my room mate turned up before me, great. Opening the door I saw a girl with blonde hair and wearing all pink, she turned to look at me and...

"Y/N!?!" It was Elle, but how? I thought she wanted to live in mansion and work as judge on her own beauty pageant show. 

"Elle, how are you here?!" I responded.

"Well I heard you got in and I'm also here to try and win Warner back, he's my one true love Y/N I need to be with him, he told me I wasn't serious enough but now I've proved him wrong and I'm going to show him how much of a serious person I actually am!" She said that so fast she ran out of breath and almost passed out.

"Elle you have to breath you know" I said rolling my eyes, "I'm shocked you still want him back after what he did to you but love is love I guess, I wouldn't know I've never been in a relationship." I instantly regretted everything I said when I saw one wide eyed Elle Woods.

"We are getting you a boyfriend right now, let's go, do you have your eye on anyone?" She dragged me out of the dorm and towards the cafeteria.

"I haven't even been here an hour, how could I possibly like someone this soon... OMG IT'S HIM, IT'S EMMETT, HE'S HERE, WHAT DO I DO?" I half whispered half shouted.

"You my dear friend are going to go up to him and make a conversation but before you do that, we need a plan." 

"Yeah you're right we do." If anyone needs love or relationship advice, Elle is the one to go to and lucky for me, she's my best friend so she helps for free. I thought making up a plan would be easy but boy was I wrong so Elle started giving me the same pep talks she did in high school, I was grateful but now I just wanted to get it over with so I completely blanked Elle out and came up with a little plan of my own. After Elle and I finished with our conversation, I was ready to make my move and talk to the one and only, Emmett Forrest. 

I wanted to be alone when I talked to him so I told Elle that I would do it tomorrow in class but I was actually about to go talk to him now. I saw him in the library reading 'The Hunger Games', damn I loved those books in high school, it was all I used to read. I walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a random book and sat down diagonally to him, I started to read when I felt someone stare at me, I looked up and saw EMMETT FORREST LOOKING AT ME! I blushed and chuckled a bit but looked back down at my book, was I really playing hard to get, I mentally face palmed myself as I carried on reading the book. Moments passed and every now and then I felt him staring at me, like he was trying to find to everything about me just by staring at me, it was slightly confusing, however, I tried my best to ignore it.

Emmett's POV

Holy fucking shit, she was gorgeous, I wanted to know more but she was playing hard to get, whenever I'd look at her she would never look back, was she trying to ignore me? Did I do something wrong? Avoiding all these questions, I put my book down and moved so I was sitting directly opposite her.

"Hey!" I said positively and she looked up and smiled like she was waiting this whole time for me to say something.

"Hello, you must be Emmett Forrest, I'm Y/N Y/LN." She said still smiling brightly.

"Nice to meet you, you used to go to my high school right? You were in my Spanish class." The moment she said her name I recognised her, ever since freshman year of high school I wanted to talk to her, but I was so scared she would just walk away seen as I was quite popular.

"Yeah we did, that's how I knew who you were, I'm sorry if you thought I was a creep who stalks people for a living, I'm sorry." Damn she's cute when she rambles, her face was bright red with embarrassment. 

"It's alright, I knew who you were from the minute you said your name." I smiled and so did she. We continued talking about our lives and just random stuff about us, we have a lot in common which was rare to see because no one I've ever dated or quite frankly talked to has had the same interests as me.


I was freaking out, a lot, Emmett and I were getting along really well and It's really scary, I guess we'll just have to see what happens in the future.

3 years later

"Today we say farewell to the senior students here at Harvard Law, I know most of them will achieve great things in the future." As the Principle finished speaking, the whole hall was full of cheers as Elle, Emmett and me got our certificates. I walked over to the microphone, it was my turn to say my speech.

"This school has taught me a lot, I've learned so many new things and I've had so many different experiences I never thought were possible but the main thing this school has taught me is to never give up and always be yourself, open up more, don't be shy to talk to someone new, it's your life and if your shy, you won't get far. When I first came here, I was nervous as hell and then I saw my one true love in the cafeteria, I thought it was the end and I would never be able to talk to him but I opened up and we become best friends and later on lovers so try new things and speak to different people no matter who they are!" Well that was a lot harder than I imagined, I chucked to myself as the whole room was applauding then out of the blue, Emmett came over to me, kissed me and knelt down on one knee.

"This is my speech folks, ever since freshman year of high school I wanted to walk hand in hand with this woman and now I can't believe I get to do that but I want it to be forever so, Y/N will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I froze, I was speechless, all I could do was pull him up and kiss him.

"YES, 100% YES!"

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