Michael Mell (Be More Chill)

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So I basically just put my musicals playlist on shuffle and Michael in the Bathroom came on and so here I am doing a Michael x reader :)

Michael is a precious baby (I say about a lot of musical characters)

Also, normally I would either put everything in the readers POV or change the POV (way to many times may I add), but this time it's all in Michael's POV.

I am a mess (relatable). Jeremy has been distant, he hardly hangs out with me anymore and he's been hanging around Rich and all the stupid popular kids. He's making me feel like shit and I hate it, I haven't even listened to Bob Marley, that's how shit I feel! The only thing keeping me going is Y/N, I honestly would be dead right now if it wasn't for her. She's been there for me and I trust her, a lot and I would be lying if I said I wasn't starting to get feelings for her. She's caring, funny, smart and she's so freaking adorable. 

Walking through the halls of this hell hole, I spot someone waving at me, to be more specific, I spot Y/N waving at me with a big cheesy grin, her smile is contagious so I started smiling like an idiot. I made my way through the crowded halls, dodging many people as I finally made it to her locker.

"Hey stranger," she spoke, still sounding half asleep.

"Hey, wanna walk to class," she nodded in response.

As we were walking to class, we passed Jeremy and his new 'friends', I felt the anger boiling up inside me but Y/N quickly put her hand in mine reassuringly, blush at the feeling of her hand in mine, she was just trying to comfort me, right? A friendly gesture? I calmed down as soon as we got to class.

-Time skip brought to you by Mountain Dew Red-

After school had finished, Y/N and I made our way to my house because my moms weren't home so we could make as much noise as we wanted (not like that you dirty people, Michael would never). As we got to my house, I grabbed some cookies and we headed up to my room. Y/N dramatically jumped on my bed, I laughed and she suddenly threw a pillow at me, this instantly turned into a pillow fight and soon we were running around my whole house with pillows in our hands. Soon enough we were laying on my bed panting (because they were running, obviously), we decided to play Apocalypse of the Damned, mainly because I wanted to spend more time with her but I didn't tell her that. After we completed multiple levels, it was starting to get dark and she had to leave, a part of me wanted to tell her how I felt, I knew that if I didn't do it now then I probably never would.

"Hey Y/N, before you go, I need to tell you something," she looked at me with a concerning expression on her face.

"Of course, what's up?"

'It was now or never Mell, you've gotten this far so just go with it,' I thought to myself.

"I know you probably don't feel the same but I've liked you for the longest time and recently, with you helping me with the whole Jeremy situation, I've finally realised that I am in love with you, b-but I completely un-understand an-"

She cut me off by placing a kiss on my lips, I immediately kissed back, the kiss felt magical, it felt right. 

As the kiss came to end, she simply said, "I'm in love with you to Michael Mell."

She ended up calling her parents and telling them that she was staying over mine, we cuddled while watching Disney movies (I'm obsessed with Disney that's why I have to mention it in nearly every chapter), we eventually fell asleep, her head laying on my chest and my arms wrapped protectively around her (I also say that in nearly every chapter too).

The rest of the week went by quickly and I didn't give Jeremy a thought once, I had a girlfriend, she was always on my mind.

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